
This was originally done to speed up racing starts where the drivers run to the car. By putting it on the left, all limbs were in use (ignition, shifter,clutch, and gas). By not having to use the right hand for two steps you cut down on the vital time to get going as quickly as possible.

The oddity for me was that every other Honda from this era had it located on the floor (usually next to or part of the trunk release). Honda put the (electric) trunk release for the S2000 in the center locking cubby between the seats... just odd they didn’t just put this next to it in there as well (which also had a

Yeah doesn’t make much sense on the T-bird, but maybe a parts sharing reason for Ford to do it or standardization of assembly processes?

Yeah that was a GM design "feature" my Cavalier had as well. 

S2000's fuel door release that’s a little black knob in the door jam. Location makes sense from a design standpoint, but if you don’t know where it’s located you could be hunting for a long while (took a review in the car manual at the dealership to locate it)

Does the glove box have a lock on it? This was likely done because of the convertible version so you could leave top down and have the extra security of storing items in the trunk with the button being locked away. 

Yellow over beige with a white top? That's like full on 🍌 colors 

Oh no no. Should expand my education in business, but not currently. TBH regarding my (let’s be honest) terrible comparison, my growing up in the country on 1 mile grid gravel roads had me wanting to write “Holy shit, 15 square miles!!! Dafuq they building there???”, but there are a lot of people who’s concept of

I didn’t invent this fact I just happen to live in DC and work in the Alexandria area so just familiar as other readers might be. I get it, examples only work for those familiar with it initially. You're welcome for the random fact though :)

Having visited Vietnam several times (can’t wait to go back), they did have a lot of front end success with Covid but some of me thinks that was a potential lack of testing capabilities that might have made them so low. They had a TikTok hand washing PSA video that went viral regarding Covid and are a culture that

Came to comment on this as well..that’s just a massive site.

Sounds like my GD3 Fit Sport (had an EJ1 EX as well and understand the sentiment; the GD3 reminded me of the EJ1 when I purchased it)

Comments sections are for individual’s “comments” and this person is providing their perspective of this site while you are providing perspective on the commenter. If there comment was “I don’t know why they write this type of article” in which they don’t enjoy reading it, I’m with you, it’s a wasted comment.

I read this as they are treating them (and perhaps should’ve been all along) as Roxors are treated, off road use only. I agree this is a completely dick move and give them a short period (~6 months-year) to procure transportation that meets the requirements should be done as it’s not the owner’s fault it was allowed.

My best example of “Daddy making up for not being with his kids” would be a brand new 3000GT SL in 1999 as a first car for a 16yo. These were roughly $33k new then ($54k in today’s money) and it was totaled out in <18 months.

This is the correct answer. Also NC>NA>NB.

You’re the hobbit one, right?

Bench front seat in a coupe? Hard pass. 

Harbour Air sounds like the Canadian  aeronautical subsidiary of Harbor Freight...not sure if I want to take a flight in one of those.