MD doesn’t get much snow (maybe the part touching WV, but that's also pretty rural).
MD doesn’t get much snow (maybe the part touching WV, but that's also pretty rural).
I don’t think you understand how this is a smart business decision since you’re more likely to get a convert to trade their say Audi for a Tesla if they consistently see the Tesla branding where they charge then only allowing your brand at your station. You do realize they would charge their competition at their…
This gets said so often, yet no studies have proven it to be at all true. It’s said only by those who have put excessively loud exhausts on as their personal justification which truly means they just want to be dicks to the rest of society by making excessive noise. If they really did save lives, then every exhaust…
I see some positive PR messages from Musk to address these concerns, but not outwardly say it "We hear you, we are upgrading x amount of stations with x amount of additional chargers so you don't have to wait"
From my perspective this is Tesla spinning off their charging network to be the first “charging station” for all, which would be a nice profit center for them. Understandable this could leave an initial sour taste in current Tesla owners mouths, but I can't envision this leading to any lost sales of their cars to…
So, you are saying you shouldn’t have to share chargers with “lesser people” who don’t own your same brand?
Drunk EV to station attendant “do you carry 1/2 mile long charging cables?”
Okay to the police part. Just remember not everyone is terrible or a liar.
Shouldn’t it be a feather pattern then?
If anything, it’s another reason to keep your head on a swivel when going through an intersection that you have the right of way on.
From the linked article:
If it's attempted suicide, then it's also attempted homicide given the passenger had no say in what was occurring.
So.... which ones will stock the red ones?
No door handles, compromised rear headroom from A-frame roof design, compromised rearward visibility, acre of glass above the front seats (bird watchers might like this feature), no/minimal frunk.
Yeah, I was assuming the battery is fine in this case given it’s a such a common replacement item (and Jalop staff should know that "one easy trick" lol). From my Fit ownership experience coil packs were the culprit for a few different issues that didn’t occur every time and wouldn't throw a code such as slow starts,…
Neutral: regarding your Fit, it might be time for new coil packs (my Fit started suffering similar symptoms at about the same mileage)