
This is all so sad. Even more so if it turns out to be from PTSD or a TBI, which is happening far too often with soldiers. When are we actually going to take care of veterans? And when are we going to actually consider the effect on a solider as a reason to reconsider whether a war is really worth it? I obviously

Dear Jezebel commentariat:

Soldiers are almost never armed on military bases. Only MPs or gate guards carry weapons usually. Army regulations forbid carrying personal weapons on military bases. Even when we pull our rifles for training, ammunition is tightly controlled, and given out only when you are on the range, and then in small amounts.

I'm sorry, I understand why people are upset about the photo but.... As someone who was abused as a child and teenager, and watched this happen on at my father's behest to my mother and brother my entire life as well.... Fuck all the entitled white assholes on here who are making that the MAIN POINT OF CONTENTION.

Exactly. I wore leggings with short (hitting at the hip) shirts in the 90's and had absolutely no issues with it. No one harassed me and no one told me not to wear them. The problem is not girls wearing leggings - it's adults making a huge deal out of them, sexualizing them and telling them that they're responsible

Absofuckinglutely. And I really don't feel one bit bad about mr. I had boner. Dude try having blood come out of your genitals during class and get all over your clothes because your HORMONES haven't quite aligned so you can't predict when menses is gonna hit the fan.

The rainbow flag is used as a symbol for diversity, and was mainly picked due to the LGBTs inspiration from the Judy Garland song "Over the Rainbow." The stonewall riots occurred shortly after Ms Garland's death. There were two more colours on it but they were removed to due fabric shortage and other reasons.

My husband left a job being a GM of a shitty little Massachusetts-based "family restaurant" to take a $15k pay cut because he was tired of having to work from 6am-1am 4 days a week. (and "only" 12 hour shifts 2-3 other days a week.) He started looking for a new job the day after my mom's surprise 50th birthday party,

Thanks, I appriciate that. :)

I mean, if we were really thinking of the children, we should just forbid pre-pregnant* females from engaging in any of the above-mentioned activities. What if the pregnancy test is defective, or there is user error? Also, did anyone think about the fact that if I already have children and engage in these activities,

All great points. But really, isn't LIFE just dangerous, full stop, especially for women who are so dumb as to need constantly policing by the government? I mean, you could be hit by a bus walking down the middle of the street, drown in the shower from all that mouth-breathing... Truly, the only solution is for every

Basically, women should just be forced to take regularly-scheduled pregnancy tests before our male protectors will sign off on our ability to leave the house. Because we wouldn't want to endanger the children by, you know, existing autonomously in the world.

So if that person is who she says she is, we can conclude that not only is he gross and sexist, he's decided to fabricate a story based on "even other women think she's an ignorant slut". Because bitches be tearing each other apart, right? God, what an asshole.

Interestingly, there is a comment on that post from someone purporting to be a female law clerk in that same building, that states that neither she nor 3 of her co-workers know who or what the hell he is talking about. So I don't even think we can assume that this woman was even dressed "unprofessionally"—all we know

Sample romantic gesture: a guy who is pretty opposed to experimenting with foods knew that I was bored with my limited medical diet, so he found a restaurant that he thought I could eat at and took me there even though it was experimental for him and that made him uncomfortable. He did pay (because I was unemployed)

In 2013 I can count three times a strange man I had never met has told me to smile. Yes, told. Not a suggestion, but, "Smile!" Two of those times I was probably just thinking about hot dogs and totally confused when this strange person needed me to smile for them, as if they were entitled to my happiness, but one of

Here's a feminist nuance for ya - Some of us feminists have relationships with people of the same gender.

Yeah. All of them seem to be directed at women. Even the guy's cards are about just because he doesn't agree with you doesn't mean it is because you are a woman, when he takes you out calm down it's not because he thinks he owns you, and in general saying women are defensive or overly sensitive.

The fact that you equate an identification with feminity with a desire for lipstick, high heels, and shaved legs is problematic. There's a desire for self-identification *as* female that yes, involves dressing and acting in a manner considered female by our society, because our external identifications are read as

Or perhaps she'll teach tolerance and understanding of an issue which is only recently becoming accepted. Something you seem to not be interested in.