
Yep! That was also my exact same reaction. I don't hate Woo and I don't necessarily love Shane, but Woo over Shane? Seriously?!

Yaaaaaaaaaassssssss! Whahahahaha! *HappyFlailyArms*

Haha yes! You gotta give credit where credit is due. Mike didn't even KNOW that Carolyn had an idol, he was just trying to rattle everyone and anything he could. Carolyn was the big player this episode and no one else but Carolyn.

Except that Carolyn's refusal to tell anyone about her idol and in fact vote out the one person who did know about it indicates that she did not have faith in her alliance. There's no way any of those doofuses would have been able to lull her into a false sense of security. They're not that smart, and Carolyn's not

It's HIGHLY doubtful Dan will vote for Mike. He is holding a massive grudge against Mike for lying and trying to not buy his letter from home and being the "villain" to his "hero". If the alliance of four comes out, he might change his mind, but I doubt it.

The thing I loved about this episode was that even though I had guessed EXACTLY what was going to happen since last Wednesday night, it was still such a nerve wracking and ultimately triumphant experience. The stress of that Immunity Challenge was epic, and I KNEW Mike had to win. It made zero sense for Mike to not

Oh God! That would be the worst. At this point I'd probably give it to Rodney over Sierra, but final 2 Dan and Will? Just end of the world horror.

Yep as soon as she started contemplating it I was like well now you have to give it up, you can't bring it up and then go yeaaaaaaah never mind. Except Carolyn is a bad bitch and she'll do whatever she wants apparently. I loved that she fucked with Rodney, but not a smart move strategically.

Ughh Thailand was one of the few seasons I missed when I was a kid and dear God, I tried watching it a few months ago and I couldn't get past the first 3-5 episodes. Just really despicable behavior and what made it worse was knowing that it was only going to get worse. I don't think I'll ever try again to be honest.

These characters are always portrayed as the glorious yet maligned underdogs on Survivor. Remember Terry, or Malcolm, Spencer, even Fabio. Heck they even gave it all they could for Troyzan…

Right, Mike's need to do everything is a very big part of his personality. For good or bad. In this challenge he ended up winning it for everyone, while in the last one he ended up losing it for everyone by trying to do it all himself.

All I want for Survivor-mas is Peih-Gee!

Well except in the last one with the barrels where Mike's attempt to single-handedly win the challenge resulted in disaster. It seemed like pretty fair editing to me. There wasn't a slant any particular way, just a highlighting of a continuation of Mike's tendency to be a bit of a give-it-his-all control freak which

Yeah I was pissed that CBS were stupid and spoiled that Carolyn didn't win, but then I saw that Mike was also included and I was oh ok they're decoys. I could maaaaaaaybeeeee see a situation where Mike gets voted out and Carolyn wins, but I'm supposed to believe that Rodney, Sierra, Dan, or Will win? Yeah right, pull

Blahhhh ok yeah I thought it might be something like that. I already voted at like 2 in the morning, so that blows!

Where are the videos? I can't seem to find them.

Will do!

Yeah as someone who really likes Carolyn it was pretty great to be able to actually see her making moves and talking strategy on camera rather than just through youtube clips and voiceovers.