
Yep yep yep!

So early for this, but I couldn't help myself! Can I get Keith, Peih-Gee, Tasha, and Vytas for my pick-four?

That is definitely what I'll be doing all summer!

I just think his bitterness and crybaby reaction were really distasteful considering he admitted he had plans to vote her out. He just put a pause on it, like he did with everything else.

Yeah! That's exactly how I felt. I also was raised religious (although with the knowledge that my parents were not) and was super into it when I was young and have reconnected with it later in life in somewhat different ways, but I just found it really heart warming that Mike was able to take something that is so

Oh my gosh exactly! On the one hand it bothers me when people try to force their beliefs on others but then there's also that situation where there's this just absolute surrender of one's own live and need to try that is incredibly frustrating. I liked that although he was deeply religious, he didn't use it as an

Yeah there's been some really obnoxious and uncomfortable religious stuff throughout Survivor's history. It was nice to see a more personal side to it

Right because he felt that his beliefs gave him the strength to win. That's a very different thing from then expecting everyone else to be all gung-ho about it. He's not like Will trying to force it on other people.

So, I was wondering how people feel about Mike and his religious fervour now that the season is done with?
I have to say I actually really appreciated it! Usually during Survivor I'm really not a fan of calls to religion, but I liked that for Mike it seemed to be really genuine and personal. He wasn't loud about it

I kind of feel like Mike just wanted to fuck over Rodney, be nice to Carolyn, and screw around with Tribal a little bit more. Although strategically you could argue that this made Carolyn look like she was "brought" to the end rather than having gotten there through her own strategy/etc, but I'm not sure that's what

I know right!? My mom was like wait, does Mike NOT win? I was still holding strong to my believe in editing/storytelling, but I was definitely worried. He was lucky that Carolyn also did poorly and that Will was Will.

I was really happy that Brad didn't get on, but I have to give him credit for being really humble about it.

Whoooo! What's funny is that I totally had Sierra in the beginning, and dropped her after the first episode and didn't have Jenn but picked her up after as well. That being said though I actually swapped Hali out for Jenn, and Sierra out for Carolyn, so they were good swaps.

OMG I know right!

Yeah for sure, I think in the long run it's better for her game both in terms of how other people will see her and also allowing her more time to reflect, but I just feel really sorry for her. That was a rough night! She went from maybe I could have possibly won to, nope I got as many votes as deadfish!Will to also

Especially since he's said he was planning on voting her out soon anyway. But he had his ickle feelings hurt.

Mmm yeah I guess that makes sense. Still stupid though…

Really? *Eyeroll* Should she have been holding herself to a higher standard?

That last tribal was a real bummer. I was super excited that both Mike and Carolyn were in the final three since they were both string competitors, but wow were they terrible at making their cases. Part of the blame has to do with there being no opening statements (stupid) and the lack of good questions (or any

Ugh I disagree with all of that.