
Well, considering the world is a pretty ugly place, I'd rather note the analysis and critique in the "ugly interpretation" than don my rose-coloured/colour blind ones.

Yeah, they're always really ehhhhhh. At least this time it looked like the kids got a bunch of actually good stuff. Sometimes the toys etc they get are such poor quality that it's just really gross. But also just the way it's presented "In America no one thinks twice abut having these things, but over here in Brown

Haha yessss! As soon as Tyler got voted out I just kept thinking sooo I win right? Now granted I didn't know specifications of the scoring that well, but after a quick peek, it seemed clear that I'm here for the long haul. Yayyyyyyy!!! Happy Dance!

Oooh yeah that sounds great.

Since she and Sierra teamed up this episode… Remember that? Besides Rodney's not someone you can rely on and Carolyn can see that and is making moves so that she won't have to.

Haha! Good ol' 90210, always the answer for pretending to be American!

When I saw Carolyn I was OMG SPOILER WTF CBS?!?!?!, but then I saw Mike and I was like well…. If the winner isn't Mike and isn't Carolyn then who would it be Rodney?! I'm going with decoys

I actually voted for Abi-Maria and will continue doing so. I'd actually be interested in seeing her playing a non-crazy game. I feel like she's really thought about what a terrible first season she played and even in the reunion she fully admitted that she behaved like a paranoid crazy person, so I think she could

Whoah… I was actually surprised at this vote. Which is interesting because I not for one second doubted that Carolyn would turn on Tyler, and yet… I was still completely surprised. Speaking of Carolyn, she is a badass boss! I love her. In case anyone was in doubt from my previous posts on the subject. I LOVE CAROLYN.

I can definitely see where a lot of people wouldn't particularly like Carolyn. I just think she's this really cool mix of bravado and cold competence that falls apart every time she gets excited that she accomplished something. I really like that one of her motivators is showing her kids she's a badass. I think

Haha thanks.
I've thought Carolyn was hilarious since the first episode, but I can definitely see how she'd rub a lot of people the wrong way.
I feel like I've spent a small but significant portion of my time here this season defending Carolyn from pretty baseless accusations though whether based on her gameplay or

Well, yes, but only if they're from Lumpy Space. :)

I would LOVE Dan going home, but his utility at this point far outranks Shirin's at this point.


I just feel like all the Carolyn hate is really over the top and based on a whole lot of other things that are not relevant.
A lot of it is based on her initial dislike of Shirin which is pretty bullshit since the majority of the cast this season disliked Shirin and also disliking someone doesn't make you a terrible

I agree. It reminded me of Tina saying that because she was adopted the first time she felt love (or something like that) was with her daughter. Now obviously I don't know either of their relationships with their adoptive parents, but it just seems really cold and dismissive.

Oh absolutely. Carolyn is in a great place. She's in the top four alliance, she's the closest with all three of those alliance members than they are with each other, she's still got her idol, she's strong in challenges, and no one sees her as a threat. The edit just isn't really there, not even in an under-edited

Oh definitely, Dan is not that intelligent and he's just lap-dogging and doing tricks for Carolyn and Tyler at this point. I mean, honestly, how many times did he have to mention how much Mike sucked during that reward win.

I think it's pretty unlikely that Carolyn wins, but not impossible. Particularly since everything seems like such a tossup at this point. My concern is that I don't feel like the edit has shown enough of her being in charge of things/narrating events at this point. They're giving strategy talking heads to Tyler, not

Well as a self-identified proud union man, I kinda doubt that.