
So I've had a thought, because Tyler's game play has been interesting so far in the sense that it has been, well… Boring. He's always getting idol clues and being told if people have idols. People are always coming up to him and telling him their plans. Everyone seems to trust Tyler and he's always aware of what's

"Could it be, and I'm just spit-balling here, but maybe possibly you're confusing your desires as a viewer with what's best for people whose success you don't care about at all?"

I'm not sure where all the hate for this season/episode is coming from. I thought this episode was pretty fabulous aside from some requisite gross Dan/Rodney bits. I mean come on! We had:

All male survivors seem permanently on alert against the evil female alliance nowadays. I don't think a season goes by that it doesn't get brought up as the reasoning behind one voting strategy or another.

I really don't think it was just him copying Joe. Being able to see the completed puzzle probably helped, but I think it's pretty obvious that he was fairly competent on his own. Otherwise there would have been far more Mike staring at the completed puzzle with a puzzled frown shots and there actually weren't any…

He may not have won, but he was very close. He is good at puzzles, Joe is just that bit better

Hmm interesting it didn't really seem like it was near a tributary to the river, but that could have been a more vague "go in that direction" clue with the other hints being the more specific "now do this" clues. I feel like it was different from the other one's we've seen so far though. Mike's is a compass whereas I

Yeah, I'm really not getting the hate for this season's cast. Besides Rodney and Dan I haven't hated anyone else. Vince was really gross and actually pretty scary, and I was sure glad to be rid of him when he left, but he wasn't "I want to rip my eyeballs from my skull horrifying" like Dan is. And even Rodney has ok

I don't really see Tyler being a big physical threat. He has't done all that well in the challenges so far. Either individual or group.

Haha lols!

Oh my god, I know! I love that we both had the same imagery of Will as a dead seal!

Right, I definitely think that targeting Kelly was a really smart move because of her closeness with Mike as well as her ability to be liked and she could definitely make it all the way to the end under everyone's noses. The issue here is that targeting Kelly when you're trying to woo Carolyn is a bad move because

Definitely. Camp building/life is a constant source of tension, so it was a pretty blatant attempt on production's part to attempt to provoke some potential back-up drama/episode narrative if nothing emerged organically.

Ughhh I didn't think anything could get worse than the tribe idols, but that necklace was some beyond fucked up cheap ass piece of garbage. Why was there a compass in the middle? What was with the neon blue and green plastic ?leaves? or whatever those were supposed to be. And it was so blatantly obvious how it was

I think Mike has magic mind control hands. Whoever he manhandles is forced to stick with his alliance even when they've previously been blindsided.

I can see him being a goat ala Sophie/Coach/Albert

I don't remember any of these people…

Ohhh I cant remember what season that was, but I remember being so pissed about that!

I don't know it kinda seems exactly like the kind of thing Shirin would care about.

Whether they trusted Rodney's plan or not, Queen Carolyn and Tyler clearly saw that on one side they had a splintering alliance with members making concrete plans to work with them where they already had made some inroads with certain players vs a tribe with a super tight 3 that wasn't making an effort to woo them and