
Awwww poop, down to third!

As soon as I knew they were targeting Kelly I knew they were in for trouble. It made no sense, but was actually pretty par for the course as the Red Threesome don't seem particularly savvy at actual gameplay involving dealing with real people. Luck and immunity idols aside they're not exactly the brightest lightbulbs,

I have to say I'm really surprised by the "emotional player" role people keep trying to foist onto Carolyn. I've yet to see any actual evidence of Carolyn behaving in any way other than "cool, calm, and collective" and any hypothesis on this subject I have heard are both wildly misconstrued and quite frankly based off

I have honestly loved Carolyn from the first episode and my love for her just keeps expanding as the season goes on. I think she's hilarious and I look forward to her confessionals. And gameplay wise it's really refreshing to see someone so cool-headed play Survivor.

I'm pretty iffy on Tyler being particularly good at the game. He'll say some smartish things and he has a lot of people confide in him, but at the end of the day it's actions that count and I haven't seen much.

Yeah strategically using an idol is super tricky because there are definitely times when revealing it is the best option because it deters threats from actually coming to fruition and can gain allies, but in other instances you just end up making yourself a target and losing the advantage of surprise. It's knowing

Haha true!

So not only does Rodney not know how a yoyo works, he also doesn't understand that "King me" is not something you do in chess. Is the other contender for possibly the greatest tragedy in his life that he was deprived of toys as a kid?



Well in general he doesn't rat out people when they lie to their tribemates. But he did make a pretty pointed comment at one point in regards to the Mike/Kelly shenanigans.

I know right! What was that?

I love how that was the first thing they showed from the "Last time on Survivor".

I'm surprised that Max went home instead of Shirin. It would have seemed like a better move to keep him for challenges. It's interesting to think it could have possibly have been in effort to lessen the number of male players to even the field, particularly considering how bro-ey and misogynistic a lot of the other

If Cochran could be a bro in Caramoan anything can happen.

It's funny cause what he was saying was pretty word for word "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" just with his own twisted interpretation on what empathy is and what it means employ active listening skills in a conversation.

I still don't understand all the people saying hair dressing is not a blue collar job.
Blue collar workers perform manual labour. Hair dressing is manual labour; there's a reason so many develop arthritis. Furthermore hair dressing is a trade. Trades are by definition a part of blue collar. It's really not that

Well medical does get called, but again that doesn't necessarily mean out of the game or really bad. It could just be Tyson shoulder popped kind of bad.

As Andy said I think they're really underestimating Carolyn, but also the way she explained it I think she volunteered to watch the fire while the others went to look for the idol to prevent Joaquin from getting it, so she's playing being helpful as well as playing into being underestimated.

In regards to #1 the wet blanket comments were in regards to camp, not challenges, and were unequivocally accurate.