You must not have read the part about those who are blind needing to be able to hear cars coming.
You must not have read the part about those who are blind needing to be able to hear cars coming.
Fellow Hoosier here. You should know that turds come from the butt, which the use of has been outlawed here since 2012.
Scary shit. This happened just a few blocks away from my office. The male passenger was the CEO of a software company.
Can they make a video with less self-righteous pretentious bullshit? Then I might get past the first minute.
Seriously.. what the hell did I just watch? Someone get 007 a medal!
My first thought.
That GTR suspension critique can be applied verbatim to my MINI Countryman S. The “S” stand for “Shiiiiiit, did I just run over a cinder block?”
I 100% agree with you. I tend to get a little defensive when people shit on my home town.
And where the flying fuck are you from that’s so great. NYC? LA? Staying in Indy was more of a choice to be near family, something I value. What’s wrong with having roots? Is everyone who’s not from a big city supposed to grow up and move clusterfucksville? Because why live in a 6,000 sqft house in rolling hills next…
Retards like myself? My wife and I bring home nearly $200k, are debt free, and live a financially free lifestyle. We also have a child and have managed this without interruption. Maybe you should bring it down a notch and stop bashing a state, people, and shit that you clearly do not understand, “Dawg”.
Maybe turn off the engine, drop in into neutral and use a goddamn winch? HOW HARD IS IT?
Umm.. There's nothing wrong with his grammar in that sentence. What the hell are you talking about?
Except we’re not in the south. Sooo...
The next time I’m standing on top of a peak in the Alps and looking at Italy on one side and Switzerland on the other, I’ll be sure to piss your name in the snow. Later, tater.
Congratulations. Are you still in your 20's? Did you move to Portland? To Austin, TX? What about Denver or Boulder? I’ll see you when you run out of money on your 30th birthday, just like everyone else I know who moved away to cities where the cost of living requires an income 3x times what anyone is willing to…
It’s called a job. You know, that place where people with careers go to make money? Mine happens to be on this block. Hence the reference to eating lunch. Sorry I didn’t rent a time machine and go back to 198'fuckin’2 and tell them to build it on the northeast side of downtown because it was going to be the trendy…
Actually, as I work for the State Government in a building inside the Convention Center’s general area. Two of the three buildings here are hotels, I took the photo from under a hotel, and there are a shit tone of hotels in the blocks around me. Did I say this was a skyline photo or a “best of” photo? No. I said I was…
Oh I get it. You referenced the article and made a funny... hah... hah... ... hah. Good god, dude. Are you really that fucking lazy?
I’ve been all over the world. I never said that Indy was a big city. In fact, my exact words were “Is Indy a little New York or L.A.? Hell no. This is the Midwest”.