
Gee whiz.

Cersei is essentially a walking crime against humanity at this point. Not sure how you get her off the hook.

Well, Shelly was a victim of domestic violence and Audrey's adventures led to her being imprisoned in a whore house and having to be rescued by our male heroes, but I do get your meaning.

Queen of the harpies! Here's your crown Your Majesty!

I, for one, am glad that Bob is still out there doing his thing. I'm listening to the album right now, not expecting anything groundbreaking but I'm sure it'll be a fine listening experience.

Finally someone mentioned Casablanca.

This is a very complicated election, Maude. You know, a lotta in's, a lotta outs, lotta what-have-you's. And a lot of uh, strands to keep in my head, man. Lot of ol' strands in Duder's head.

"The moment that they announced that they were doing a Ghostbusters for women there was immediately this torrential downpour of rage from the Ghostbros."

How does this differ from how AV Club reviews shows on an episode-by-episode basis once the show starts airing properly. How can they say that episode 5 is a B+ when they haven't seen episode 6 yet?

Stupid white people. Liking good shows and shit.

It's not awful. It's not good either. It's a Star Trek action movie with bad writing and a cast that is not at all suited to an action movie.

I never, ever said that anybody is above being criticized.

I'm not even sure why you care about Martin finishing the books at this point, since you clearly have a deep-seated hatred for the guy and his works.

"Centuries from now, A Song of Ice and Fire might be discussed as a great literary narrative that the world will unfortunately never have the end of. Do you WANT that?"

Again, sorry you feel that way.

Sorry to break it to you, but the amount of money he makes has no impact on his freedom to live his life the way he wants. You don't get to say how he should spend his time. He's not your bitch.

I'm sorry you feel that way, Jay.

So because a bunch of people willingly gave GRRM a bunch of money in exchange for his work, he now owes it to you to write faster than he's comfortable with? He's not a fucking slave. He's allowed to live his life however he wants to without idiots constantly complaining about how he's going to die before finishing a

Good. GRRM is right. It is insulting. Let the man live his life as he wants to live it. If he finishes the books, then he finishes them. If he doesn't, then that will be highly unfortunate, but I'm sure people will move on.

I like my dramas to be darkly humorous (The Sopranos would obviously be at the top of my list), so Fargo is definitely the better show in my opinion. True Detective was really good, but didn't click for me the way Fargo did. I loved the way that Fargo mixed horror and humor, thereby capturing the spirit of the Coen