Woody Mellow

She's Australian. The word 'Pie' does not have the same connotation as it does in America, where it refers to any dozen of varieties of baked desserts, from cheesecake to cobblers to pumpkin and so on & so forth. If you say "Pie" to an Aussie you're only referring to one thing: A meat pie -a small flaky pastry disc

Does he, though?

There really is. Its when he's not with Mickey that his scenes become a slog.

ugh, fucking Randy. That piece of shit does not matter to anyone or anything.

Really? That early? Well I was working mostly evenings and weird hours back in those days so that's why i probably missed it in it's early airings.

True. But being the creator/EP of a top 5 network series? Plus he's a double Emmy winning writer and PGA award winning producer with an exclusive development deal with Fox. That's gotta be big bank.

OK here's this story: I was working for a big film distributor in Australia in the early 90's and I was going through a list of upcoming releases - which usually included a brief synopsis, talent run down and poster art etc - when I came across this movie called "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" which included the artwork

Everyone did some version of a British Isle regional accent.

The episode "Earshot" - season 3 ep 18 - Buffy gets temporary telepathy and heard the thoughts of someone planning to kill everyone at Sunnydale High. It was due to air the same week that Columbine happened but got pulled and didnt air until some months later.
But I remember now you were correct: the season 3 finale

Yeah I think it was Joss who did the dissing in that story. I was more interested in the story regarding John Ketchmer on School Hard. That was indeed the last ep he helmed for the show but he went on to become a regular director on Charmed, Veronica Mars and Burn Notice, presumably off the back off his work on Buffy.

This interview was very interesting. I had heard the show - and Whedon - was very tough on directors and had a high attrition rate. This seems to support that.

It wasn't so much the Giant Snake as much it was the student who was planning to kill everyone in the school plot line that caused the delay in the wake of Columbine.

Yeah nah. The Mayor will always be the best BB. Sure the stakes weren't as emotionally high as with Angelus or Glory, but that character was so sharply drawn and the performance so pitch perfect (lets face it Groener was the more accomplished character actor than either Boreanaz or Kramer) that he set the high water

I wont blame you but I'll curse your name if they do.

Even if my favorite eps come mostly from other seasons, 3 is still far and away my favorite. For individual ep I'll go with "The Zeppo".
"Just relax and take off your pants"
"Those two concepts are antithetical"

If he did then I'm for it.

Taika Waititi aint making no Batman & Robin.

I was saying pretty much the exact same thing just today, citing those three properties. I've never been a fan of the cinematic X-Men series finding them at best entertainingly beige. After seeing Logan today (awesome) and my continuing enjoyment of Legion, suddenly the X-verse is most interesting thing going.

Fucking hell yes

you know I lived in Sydney and London during their respective hostings and leading up to both I heard that statement from countless residents - and in both cases that two weeks were the among the best I've experienced in those cities. Amazing atmosphere, endless celebrations and community events, great nightlife and