Woody Mellow

Nothing I can confirm but I’ve heard of “family values” concerns from some groups in the States because the show deals frankly with toilet visits and even occasionally birth etc. which they dont find appropriate for Disney. Maybe its a targeted down-voting? dunno?

4 years old is pretty much perfect. Any age is really. Its a pre-school aged show that adults can happily watch.

Yeah the second season is indeed brillant. “Sleepytime” is a legit masterpiece.

If you’re covering children’s animation you should write about”Bluey” on Disney+. That show is frankly one of the funniest, inventive and often beautiful children’s shows I’ve ever seen. It deserves far more attention then it’s getting.

You guys ever heard the term”Crossing the line” in the context of cutting two or more cameras for an interview?

You’re statement:

Joes Stummer and The Clash say you’re talking complete bollocks mate.

“Director Christopher McQuarrie cleanly assembles all of the bathroom-fight hallmarks—broken sinks, smashed mirrors, pulled-out pipes—.”

Frogs and mushrooms are poisonous, snakes and spiders are venomous.

Close. It was Spielerg’s Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom that necessitated the PG-13 rating.

oh sorry my bad..what I get for reading comments on my phone without my glasses on...

sorry you think its possible to ‘grossly overexaggerate’ the evil done by the Catholic church? I’m sure this isn’t the best forum for a history lesson, but.....

first month’s free so binge the entire series and cancel.

Adult Swim mobile app has the whole series in Canada.

Keith David also did voice acting work on Community.

I think its safe to say that even just a few days out from its release that 'Goths' will probably go down as a noted outlier in tMG's catalogue - even more so than Beat The Champ (or Get Lonely for that matter). I have to say however that even though this hasn't grabbed me immediately like almost every other one of

Makes mental note to disregard and future opinions expressed by one Caitlan Penzy Moog.

Seeing The Mountain Goats this weekend in Sydney. My first time, That is all.

Cruise ship? That's the Staten Island Ferry…

My parents babysat our 3 year old daughter recently - this was their first time doing so. My mother was happy to see that the local TV station was showing Frozen that night so she had it all worked out. She'd watch said movie then go to bed. Easy night.
My daughter - who has seen Frozen countless times - has never