Woody Mellow

Yeah, that's it. Is just an absurd version of the "hmmm, almost TOO perfect" sci-fi trope.

He spent S6 prepping Firefly which was canceled late November of 02. S7 ran til May 03. So he was back ""full time" for most of the last season. Although according to Whedon no episode of Buffy went to production without a pass by him in any season.

Well he was running all 'em but Greenwalt was co-runner on Angel.

Actually Noxon was mainly at the reins for S6. Firefly had been canceled by S7 so Joss was back on full time.

Alright mate, settle down. No one's that concerned with what's going in or coming out of you. Enjoy the movie ( you wont - it's awful)

The reason there is so much resistance to a Stunt Oscar is because the award would have to be presented as Best Stunt Coordinator and then the Director's arm of he Academy will have to reveal that with the exception of a few specialist action directors, 99%of on screen action sequences (which are not entirely…

I'm sure they're both used to it.

"No love for Drew Z. Greenberg in the Angel writers pantheon? Dude co-wrote and directed Cabin In The Woods!"
Drew Goddard says to say "Really?"

We dont need another hero.

If you take into account last M:I movie then I'd have to add Cruise as one still committed to classic actioners.

Thats probably because 'action' has long been replaced with 'destruction' in studio tentpolers (F&F franchise excepted). You have to go well outside the system to things like The Raid films or smaller movies like John Wick to find filmmakers still working interestingly in that form.

And you think that's the point she's making? That's your take away?

Lea Michele

Elwes claims it was to put people at ease by casting himself in a subservient light. His size tended to intimidate.

No. It was for famed Australian producer Byron Kennedy, Miller's long time partner in Kennedy/Miller Productions who was killed in a chopper crash before the making of Thunderdome.

Admittedly The Office wasn't in its heyday during this period but nevertheless…

I'm old enough to have seen every permutation of Thursday's Must-See TV on NBC and without a doubt The Community-Office-Parks-30 Rock line up was the best by far - even taking into account it was the schedule that ultimately killed it.

It is, you do.

Yes, the sex scene was a mirror of their more joyous romp from the pilot.

Especially considering he wrote out all his prep steps and posted them. I mean you don't make a colossal misstep like that on your SAUCE. How many ingredients where in that carrot sauce to miss two major profiles like sugar and vinegar.