Woody Mellow

The name Graham is actually very, very Scottish and its Gray-Um or sometimes Gray-Em. (The GRAM pronunciation is a phonetic aberration owed to comparatively lesser range of vowel sounds in the American accent, similar to how Merry, Marry and Mary - or Erin and Aaron - often sound identical in the States but distinctly

If the original Australian miniseries truly is ''one of the more affecting pieces of character-driven TV from the last five years'' then why not just air that?

bugger…never mind

It really was. A bone fide instant classic.

She could have used her Australian accent, then.

I pray you're not English with the condemning a nation and its people based on the behavior of its sports fans, because the fucking irony would be smothering.

Mushrooms are poisonous. Snakes are venomous. Thats the sort of shit you learn growing up in Australia.

Well you're right about the recent renaming - but the ceremonies have been going on for decades.

Fun Fact: The rock'n'roll dude is played by Axel Whitehead, a former Australian
Idol contestant who had a relatively successful acting and presenting career until he torpedoed it by whipping out his cock out on stage at the ARIA Awards (Aussie Grammys) during a live TV broadcast and hasn't been heard of much since.

No Australian would be "fahken' cahns". as in: Gahn ged fahk'd, ya fahken cahns.

No , I wish, I first saw them in '84. I had a VHS of that show I taped off the TV which I wore out. Although decades later when I was a camera op at the ABC I worked with most of the crew who shot it, so I'll count that as a vicarious connection.

That was a blistering show.

Ugh, that album was a sustained boring old man's fart noise. The sound of a once furious and brave band chickening out. The Oils achieved greatness with '81's Place Without A Postcard and '82's 10-1 and the '85 Species Deceases EP . They had their moments and a huge commercial breakthrough after that but largely

In the UK Indians and Pakistanis are widely, and correctly, referred to as Asian. In fact if I were to described a person as Asian to someone in England they'd be as likely to assume the person was Indian as, say, Chinese.

But an antipodean based streaming service is not really going to appeal the same way a US or UK based one is for one simple reason: Content. An Australian Netflix is still going to be hampered by international licensing deals and will not have the breadth of titles available on the US service. Plus I'll bet that it

Ha, you know in my original post I had "..and I include Curb Your Enthusiasm and Arrested Development in that" but I took it out cos I didn't want to get into a whole thing. I should've saved my self the edit.

Yeah, it becomes clear that Valerie is the noble character. She may be insufferable, but she's the one who believes in television and in what she does.
EDIT: Which is…. what you just said…..

Exactly. If I catch it , great, if I happen to miss an episode, well, I'll merely drive my family into a swollen river. Its just television.

I'll watch it if nothing else is on.

Not to succumb to hyperbole but Season One is, in my opinion, the greatest American television comedy since The Larry Sanders Show and perhaps the only show produced this century that is the equal of the original The Office. I admit I may be overstating my case.