Grilling Sausages

Leftovers are also simply a good method for weekly lunch planning. I rarely eat out, and having to prepare a separate meal for every single lunch is something I just do not have time to do. I would much rather spend that time preparing a couple of large dishes that will keep in the fridge over a week that I can just

Chris Kimball has been making the case for using salted instead of unsalted butter across most recipes. It isn’t that much salt, and it can make a nice difference. I like it on toast.

We are having meatless gyros tonight! I take Morningstart Farms Griller Original burgers, cut them into thin strips, fry them up with Cavender’s and a bunch of black pepper. Flatbread or pita, thin layer of foule or hummus for bottom layer, “meat”, shredded lettuce and diced tomato, feta and tzatziki. Serve with

Holy shit cottage cheese you just opened up a whole new world for me

the most buzz killington thing about this comment is that i learned coke owns topo

As I read your first sentence I kept thinking that that pizza was getting more and more awesome with each ingredient, and I was worried you were going to say it was the worst. I was relieved to get to the end to see you were, in fact, a sane person who rightly enjoyed what sounds like an objectively great pizza.

Ideally, the nominee will also be about 27 years old so they can stay on the court for a solid 60 years if they want to.

Hey, it’s not like a 27-year-old is going to be less qualified than Rapey McBeerlover.

In my first LaV I spotlighted Recess, which had turned me on to more hemp and CBD beverages. I don’t care about any of the perceived wellness benefits, but I do love the hell out of the bitterness. 

I don’t have to tip the guy at the liquor store either.

Packers and fried cheese curds! That might be a perfect day!

The posturing is specifically for the intent of the Texas AG fishing for a pardon from Trump. He is under investigation by the FBI.

I’m going to say that it’s a lettuce/leaf wrap and not a sandwich. 

We need to find some way to eliminate “I’m just asking questions” from the discourse. It’s not because asking questions is bad - it’s good. The issue is that “just asking questions” doesn’t really do any good if you can’t understand the answers.

Convenient, wasn’t it?

I drink water from a bottle, not a glass. Nalgene or Rubbermaid, or rarely a no-brand freebie from work. My water glasses pretty much only come out when I’ve had the kind of day that calls for a 12-oz. gin and tonic.

Wear a mask you fucking clown. I’m surprised a science denier even knows what an app is. Go actually read some scientific literature you imbecile.

They never seemed to enjoy my dancing there at 2am. 

I was going to say find a great cook book and work your way through, but yeah, this.

This is probably the worst time to be pushing spiritual-healing bullshit.

One of my specialties is the mushroom bolognese Kevin posted a recipe for a couple years back.  It is an amazing dish that I break out for guests usually...it is not quick to make and can be fairly labor intensive but the results are worth it