
Wait a minute, is “Uncle” or the ever cliche “leader” the better choice? Honestly, not to be a jerk but even physical therapist is not quite the same as doctor or corporate financier (what is that a banker, maybe?).  In those particular cases they weren’t exactly given a whole lot to work with.

Well, there’s the market for NCAA football players. Most other sports outside of basketball will be significantly less than that and what do you know, it seems much less than tuition and board that they receive for their scholarship so maybe everyone can stfu about paying them. You can go to college for free or you

In terms of why, likely because they are paying him $12 million per year to play football. Not sure how the NFL works in terms of pay when on IR but generally your employer wants you to come to work every day, whether you work at a terrible place or not.

How very American with pork shank, meatballs and sausage lol.

I feel like the reason the internet doesn’t go faster as we continue to make technological progress is that they just fill it with more and more junk. We could have 100GB/s internet put the page would load in the same amount of time because we would have 15 pop-ups of 8k video ads to go with every news article. Maybe

Wow, I now know who’s making the case for everyone to get trophies and not keeping score. As mentioned above, this guy is a kicker on an elite team so is presumably pretty good. All through life you’re going to have people chewing you out if you screw something up so if this guy should grow some thick skin in the

I’ll probably going to get it for this but I think this is the problem. People are far too busy slinging shit at one another to ever bridge the divide. Who cares who Ellen is friends with. I’m sure some of your friends suck too. Everyone just likes to fan the flames of indignation to get attention. A culture of takes.

lol they have Baker and OBJ who is an insufferable prick. Both have such a huge chip on their shoulder and love to pull the “respeck” card. I hope this team continues to be the dumpster fire it always was.

This is indeed so very 2019. A bunch of presumably white people getting outraged on someone else’s behalf. What a time to be alive.

I think this ignores the fact that weddings have become exorbitantly expensive in any major city, both self imposed but also very inflationary, so no one is making money on their wedding. Most of the people I know are trying to cover half.

It will be one of the Ryan brothers if they haven’t already.

This is true. In a major city there is weird stuff every day so people are trained to keep their eyes down lest a homeless person lock eyes with you and immediately think you are trying to start a fight with them.

Similarly Detroit-style pizza is square cut and it is delicious.

Maybe he could ask Andre Gurode?

I could be off-base here but I think part of the issue too is that there’s quite a bit of nuance in separating great baseball players from the rest. Baseball is a very statistical sport so when I, a casual baseball fan, watch the angels play I know Trout by name but nothing about his play is so obviously fantastic.

Interesting that you are indirectly bragging about how good of a trampolinist your soon is. Cool.

I hope they can somehow knock off the US team and I think I share that view with the entire rest of the planet. We get it, the US team is unreal, you don’t need all of this obnoxious bravado to go with it. They are the Joel Embiid of women’s football.

Christ, I hope somehow the Dutch team can pull one out against this group. I get it, you’re very, very good but all of the American bravado is so obnoxious.

Wait, there are teams outside of the USWNT?????

I think the issue here is when teams have sport scientists who they think brings some sort of special sauce. Not sure how that whole strength and conditioning complex is seperated from team doctors, and certainly one could say they should be integrated, but I think that that could be a major stumbling block to