
"There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible." - Ford

@Xzyx987X: The primary reason the US would never do something like this (at least to a great extent) is because China can just as easily hurt the American economy. Selling their Greenback reserves would devastate the US.

His plan for NASA focuses on innovating by getting smaller research and aerospace companies involved. That can bring new ideas and lower costs, it already has in many ways.

I stick with FF for the plugins.

@OgilvyTheAstronomer: I know, but I thought a third-party framework was required to turn it into a native app and that maybe that framework was no longer allowed when Apple set their restrictions.

@GM_Pax: I was wondering if that was the case.

I bought the Intel X25-V 40Gb and after using it for a week decided to remove it.

Was this already restricting tool's like PhoneGap?

Now playing

I'm getting rid of all my furniture. All of it. And I'm going to build these different levels, with steps, and it'll all be carpeted with a lot of pillows. You know, like ancient Egypt.

@DGTLHRT: My roommate does an impression of this every time he starts the BBQ.

@talkingstove: Not poor, But I work in downtown Montreal which is filled with Universities & Colleges offering free WiFi, definitely don't see a need for 3G.

Other jets often lock-on to him, just because they find him interesting.

@Jeremy Lakose: I know it started in the late 90's, but it enjoyed most of its success in the first decade of the 21st century.

Might be good for the SSD I got this week. I only put my OS and Adobe CS4 on it but it still seems to be slowly filling up without cause. Down to 6/40 gigs. Figure it must be temp files.

My Vote: Google, it completely changed the way I search&surf, and by extension, played a role in many of my decisions over the past 10 years.

Still rockin' my first-gen touch.

@Golf_Nut: I was just thinking that.

SNES games - Just isn't the same on an emulator.

I've been struggling for days trying to access the ABC iView video streaming site in Australia (they block ppl outside the country).

No Sumatra PDF?