
@hiybbprqag: Starred with a single post, I don't know whether to congratulate or strangle you.

How do typical netbooks compare to the Mac Book Air in terms of performance if you replace the Hard Drive with an SSD?

Does the lawmaster bike fly in this version?

Looks Vorlon

If he was big on B5, he should have chosen the alias "Mr. Morden", way more appropriate.

It's not so much that the faces have the correct textures or shape. It's more the facial movements; something not shown well in a still shot.

Just started playing Sam & Max Hit the Road again.

@Jonn: Not saying people don't pirate things for other reasons (laziness & cheapness), but piracy also attracts people who couldn't buy or afford the software to begin with.

Didn't Giz have another method they posted about a few months back?

@madcatz: I think that confirms a theory of mine that a good chunk of piracy is by people with no means of paying for anything in the first place. (kids with no CC or PayPal)

Bought Duke Nukem & Blade Runner for $20 each at Best Buy

@dotnsk: I wish I knew the model number (currently at work), it did have an option in the menu to control the backlight, but now I'm figuring it was the older CFL type.

@Justin: The 120Hz was actually $100 cheaper. I was going to buy it until my uncle told me I should go with the 240Hz model.

$1100? I just got a 40" newish model Sony Bravia for $799 with a free $180 value Blue-Ray player.

Seeing how it's much easier to store 720p videos on a hard drive (3gb vs. 8gb) I'd definitely go with a 720p model.

@jezzarisky: Yeah I didn't get why Chrome has an issue with "dialogue" either.

"...plan on playing it for a long time"