@Bitsbite: Static navigation bar
@Bitsbite: Static navigation bar
"Gadgets, Gadgets everywhere."
Now I feel the nostalgic urge to play Sim City 2000.
@Duane: Interesting, makes you wonder.
Did ANYONE out their snag the minecrafted iPhone app?
Owner may have commented on ElectricPig regarding the app:
@hawkeye18 is not from Iowa: I've still got a shrink-wrapped box of blank 5 1/2 inch floppies.
@DanBroChill: I'm happy with the Kobo eReader.
@Dante_Ravenkin: I concur as well.
@KingArthur: I originally hated steam. Now I only dislike it.
@Batman: I was originally hoping for something like Clone High when I first heard about it. Definitely disappointing; didn't think it was as bad as people said though.
I've felt that anger before.
And that is why I use Megaupload/Mediafire/etc...
You find yourself in a small room with a desk, chair, and typewriter.
I was really disappointed with Civ V, tried so hard to like it, but after a week I was bored with it.
The mansion in Vampire: The Masquerade
Silicon Valley 73, 000 BC
@Jinxxeh: Any post that gets Samuel L Jackson's voice to start screaming in my head deserves a promotion.