
If only this had been included from the start.

Does no one actually write articles anymore? I hate clicking on a link and then getting a video. If you’re too lazy to actually do the write up then do us all a favor and give us some indication on the front page so we don’t waste our timing clicking on this bullshit.

The only thing scary is that so many people in China have such poor taste in movies, and it’s directly ruining the movie industry here in the U.S. as a result.

The only reason this game did so well is because the name “Blizzard” is attached to it. It’s incredibly shallow, overpriced, poorly balanced, and if any other developer had released it, it would have received middling reviews and been panned for the price point . For some reason people worship at the altar of Blizzard

Really regret buying my Xbox One. All the exclusives have been underwhelming, my Kinnect is just a paper weight, and almost everything they hyped when it was first promoted has been scrapped. Now they’re going to be selling what is essentially an entirely new console barely 4 years after the first one was released.

I enjoyed BvS, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good movie. Being enjoyable and being good are two different metrics of measuring a movie. Saying the Warcraft movie is a good movie is a blatant attempt at click baiting (grats, you got me). What you are in fact saying is that despite its numerous and glaring flaws, you

Is their audience 8 years old?

Yes. Blizzard is the Apple of gaming companies. Their fanboys will devour whatever mediocre game they poop out like it’s the second coming of Jesus.

Shitty game, nice artwork.

Lost any shred of credibility when you failed to mention Alan Tudyk under “Anyone in it that I care about?” for Powerless.

Why does Blizzard go to the effort to make these shorts when the actual game has ZERO story elements?

Yeah, Phantom Menace got overwhelmingly positive reviews (pre-dated Metacritic or Rotten Tomatoes), but once the hype and nostalgia cleared, most people saw the movie and it’s sequels for the mediocre movies they were.

It is possible to use classic tropes and archetypes and still tell a compelling and original story. In this case JJ Abrams simply failed to deliver by giving us a rehash of A New Hope but with the added bonus of paper thin characters and plot. What is sad is that there are interesting characters and plot points in

How a “professional” reviewer could see this movie and think it was anything other than mediocre is astounding. When I see reviews this far off from reality I have to question the integrity of the person giving the review.

Never played a Total War game but I had pegged this one as a game to buy because I love the Warhammer franchise, loved the Dawn of War series, and knew how well liked the Total War games had been in the past. This is a deal breaker. The industry needs to change their economic model to put an end to B.S. like this or

Hope it bombs. Clarkson deserved to be fired, but trying to resurrect the show with this d-bag is such a horrid idea. I’d rather watch American Top Gear. Tell me you don’t see that picture in the article and just instinctively want to punch that guy in the face?

I honestly thought Halo 4 had the best campaign of any Halo game outside of, maybe, Reach. Granted, I had read the books and knew about the fascinating backstory between humanity and the Forerunners, but it was still the most coherent and well told story of any Halo game. The gameplay was great and the graphics and

There are a lot of things Blizzard could sue them for. I’m not familiar with Germany’s legal system, but there are many things here in the states for which they could take them to court. The first thing that springs to mind is tortious interference.

It will be interesting to see how this shakes out. Really isn’t anyone to root for in this one. Blizzard literally ignored botters for years because those players still paid subscriptions and investigating and fighting botters is expensive. Only now that subscriptions are tanking in WoW does Blizzard do anything about

I’d consider this a mediocre show. The show started strong with great promise, but then it lost its way quickly. Most episodes were merely lengthy teasers for action to come, which either never came, or was extremely disappointing. The JDSF so overwhelms the inhabitants of this new world in every encounter after the