Gwent was surprisingly fun and addictive. It’s way more fun than Hearthstone (pay to win says “hi”), and it’s just one small part of one amazingly great game. CDPR really puts a lot of effort into the smallest details of their games and it shows.
Gwent was surprisingly fun and addictive. It’s way more fun than Hearthstone (pay to win says “hi”), and it’s just one small part of one amazingly great game. CDPR really puts a lot of effort into the smallest details of their games and it shows.
I feel bad for anyone that bought Destiny or any of it’s expansions. You’re basically paying for a grind, and a poorly implemented one at that.
Yeah, he’s comparing apples to oranges. Destiny’s combat feels good, but honestly that’s only because it’s completely cloned from their Halo series. Going from Halo to Destiny feels almost like playing the same game. It’s hilarious how much Bungie straight up borrowed from Halo when making Destiny, their big new…
How sad for you to have wasted all that time on such a mediocre game.
Did he really just call Destiny an MMO evolution? Jesus...
I can still hop online and play my CoD: AW without having bought any of the DLCs released after launch and not be at a disadvantage. I simply won’t have access to any new maps or game modes. Plus, I can still play and enjoy the single player.
Team building is considered part of the skill of playing a MOBA like LoL or DotA2. That’s part of the reason why the burden of knowledge in these games is so daunting for newer players and more casual players. Recommendations could have a place in a new player queue, but they have no place in ranked or veteran queues.…
I’m guessing you haven’t played any of the past few WoW expansions, or D3, or the pay to win crapfest that is Hearthstone. Blizzard isn’t the company it used to be pre-Activision.
The problem here is the price. No way in hell I’d pay $60 for a console Blizzard game these days, or even $40 on PC. Especially for a multi-only game. And, like the man said in the article, Counter Strike:Global Offensive is an outstanding game at half the price. So, what exactly are you getting for the increased…
Too little too late. They spent far too much time accusing people that complained about matchmaking of crying wolf. Their last “fix” for matchmaking wasn’t even a fix, it just kept people’s ranks hidden longer so that they wouldn’t know whether or not matchmaking screwed them over in ranked play. It’s yet another…
Looks very lackluster. The SFX seem to be hit or miss (mostly miss). Seriously, orcs throwing horses? The story couldn’t be more contrived to make the orcs seem less evil, which goes against original Warcraft lore. Garona looks terrible. It literally looks like they just gave Paula Patton some of those cheap vampire…
Didn’t see any mention of the extremely consumer un-friendly pricing. For someone that hasn’t touched any of the other expansions, you’ll have to purchase both of the now worthless previous expansions before you can play Taken King. So, $100 just to play this expansion on top of the $60 you paid for the original game.…