
20th/21st century pancakes are also kinda racist!

Which is pathetic enough, except that his retorts seem to amount to “nuh uh, you are.” Most of us progressed beyond that around 4th grade.

And that Thomas’ wife is a Health Care lobbyist making huge profits on challenging the law. Or that Scalia and Thomas both were wined and dined by the Kochs during and after Citizens United.

That’s what pisses me off about all of this backlash. Scalia often went on Fox News and talked politics, and the right kept its mouth shut. And yet when Ginsburg calls Trump a faker after he tells her to resign (for saying that she’s nervous about his election), suddenly the New York Times editorial board finds the

I honestly don’t know how he would have survived if had to go through all the criticism/attacks that Hillary went through these past 20+ years.

Trump is literally incapable of taking criticism. And I don’t use literally figurative, I use it literally. As far as I know there is not a single incident on record where someone criticized him and he responded with anything other than a personal insult in response.

Might want to remind people that Scalia never hesitated to express a political opinion. So there is precedent.

When someone eloquently shoots you down and the best you’ve got in response is that what they said was “very dumb” - I wouldn’t go implying that the other person’s mind is shot. Just saying.

Now playing

Remember that the original mission duration estimates are a lower bound.

“Fine. Be that way. But I found water ice! Nobody ever cares about me."—Mars Phoenix

Opportunity and Curiosity are two of my heroes.

Yes, in real combat the pilot will be subject to G-forces and other factors that will impair their performances further, while the AI is able to push the plane to its absolute limits with no deleterious effects.


The “I just don’t like it because it looks bad” excuse is completely valid when the movie actually does look bad.

The overwhelming levels of vitriol this movie has received does seem to be pushed over the top by people coming from a sexist position, but there are plenty of people who haven’t been ranting against it who

But does Ray Parker Jr. get paid...then hands a portion over Huey Lewis...again? I’d rather hear this than “I Want A New Drug” any day of the week.

Really this idea sounds like it would lead to more of this kind of thing.

Well... that sounds terrible? I mean complex villains are good but the Emperor was always at his best when he is this menacing evil mysterious figure who makes everyone dance to his evil tune of evil.

Seeing this lost opportunity from back in the day makes me more grateful for SpaceX as they have brought back the enthusiasm for space lost from years of NASA /government bureaucracy.

That usually happens to me on the other end after eating gummy candies.

A little offset?