
They’re usually seen attached to fisherman and children and allegedly have a waterproof membrane...

Since when are yellow jackets cultivated?

This guy was convicted of three felonies, so not really the same thing.

Really? Mark Zuckerberg had to chastise his employees for routinely defacing Black Lives Matter on the employee board. You don’t think it’s possible that any of those Stanford alum brogrammers felt sorry for this rapist or thought it was PC run amok?

Facebook who wants to be everyone news source, facebook who’s sole purpose is to gather and process personal data, facebook the world’s largest social media organization was unaware of this guy being convicted or rape who has been on fire in social media because of his defenders further insulting the vicitm? Facebook

I get your point, but this is absolutely not the case to make it on. There is pretty much zero doubt of this guy’s guilt.

Sure. You don’t, however, have to be skeptical of the claim that a man who was caught in the act of sexually abusing an unconscious woman by two witnesses who had no connection to either party and no reason whatsoever to lie — and then convicted in a court of law — is a rapist.

There is a racial element when you look at Facebook and see endless racial and ethnic slurs left there. But this actual true thing - about a well to do white kid - stands?

“According to the spokesperson, the removal may have stemmed from confusion over Turner’s public versus private status: he was initially classed as a private individual, but the uproar over his recent sentencing has drawn him into the public sphere.”


*would of

When it’s a racial issue, race tends to be mentioned. Sorry if that bugs you.

*ahem* “I would have taken it down, too”

Yeah, racial issues wouldn’t exist if those who are negatively affected by white supremacy would just shut up about it, right? And to compare what kinds of racist, misogynistic, and homophobic things FB regularly tolerates to their deleting a true statement about an actual convicted rapist is just sooo inappropriate,

I would have taken it down too. I’m is spelled with an apostrophe.

If you need to state that you don’t want to be perceived as racist, then you’re most likely going to say something racist.

Them’s some nice particles you got there. Be a shame if something were ta smash them.

Whenever I read a story like this, I'm always saddened by the pointlessness of war and the loss of human life. These stories demonstrate that we are capable of behaving humanely to each other, yet it only seems to happen briefly.