
No, you're just being a jerk and arguing semantics. Leave the nice author alone, now. :P

And it's still got nothin' on the Warthog.

I don't understand why people want to use supersonic fighter jets that can't even carry the weapons they need, made of tissue paper, to get low and slow down in the mud, when we already HAVE a perfectly good jet more than capable of that - and many more roles, too.

In the world of the patent and intellectual property (aside from outright patent trolling), detail and minutiae are everything. You don't go into these things half-assed, particularly from a corporate standpoint - you lay out every nitpicked detail you can find and you go hard.

The other thing is, regarding whether or

Why go that far? I see parked cars near construction zones all around the city, and all they have is a traffic cone sitting on the top of the car, and sometimes a hi-viz vest in the dash.

OCCASIONALLY someone will have "Construction" written on a note in the dash - I feel almost certain those are the fake ones. ;)

I dunno, remember what happened to the Ghostbusters! ;)

Oh shut it. Efficiency helps us all.

Now... about those "sidewalk tourist traffic lane dividers..."

If you need to get rid of the kit, I'll happily take it! :D

Good article, but for the love of the dictionary, please go look up "decimation." In fact, I'll save you the trouble.

To "decimate" is to reduce something by a tenth - it was originally a punishment among Roman troops where one soldier of every ten was selected, and the remaining nine were to kill him.

Decimate !=

Naturally we were dying to know what was on that paper. That's sort of the point. Without knowing we're stuck on a hook. Also, by leaving it unanswered, what happens next is completely open.

I agree, this policy is complete BS. I don't own anything newer than a DS Lite, and I'm rather bothered by the implications behind this move. If I already owned a 3DS device, I'd refuse to buy one of these out of protest for the insult to my intelligence that this policy represents.

Also, no OIS? What gives? These days that should be standard on a Samsung "high level" phone now.

Refuel aircraft in flight? Hell, do they even have the capability to refuel this lame duck of a boat at sea? My guess is it will never stray very far from whatever duty station it's assigned (nevermind the protection of Chinese land based air power). What a joke.

I hate it when people use the word "decimate" improperly.

That's a combat takeoff. They do that to gain altitude quickly and be a more difficult target for SAMs.

Looks like it's actually pulsing as it goes down, which is not out of line with layers burning off from a falling meteor. As for the other piece, I think others nailed it, it's a piece that broke off and for some reason shot off at an angle that made it look like it was going up and back.

Either way, I suspect aliens

An ETHERNET port???

Hackaday Easter Egg ftw!

Something like #31 did once happen. On British Airways 5390, the captain's windscreen was suddenly blown out in flight due to the wrong screws being used to make a repair. The captain was actually sucked out of the window, and at the last moment, they were able to grab his legs to keep him from being totally thrown

I would point out one (small) flaw in your discussion of technology:

Photon torpedoes are not independently warp capable - they have a "warp sustainer" module, so that if they are fired from a vessel traveling at warp speed, they can stay in a warp field. Just a minor technicality, as you would no doubt guess, the

In most of those places, you'd need to be licking things to truly be exposing yourself to early onset cancers.