
When made of molten plastic you are, look as good you will not. Hmph.

I agree, Chris, and I lack a degree in Aeronautical Engineering, or anything for that matter. To suffer an uncontained engine failure as a result of (well, most things) a small drone (like a quadrotor), which consists mostly of foam and carbon fiber, usually, is nigh impossible (and that's only because I'm hedging my

Well, I've heard of firehouse charity car washes, but I don't think you're supposed to light it on fire first.

Antisemitism Rampant in Europe, News at 11!

Actually, bloodlines and heritage can be traced through DNA by observing certain markers and such. They just showed that a group of Native Americans are actually descendants of Spanish Jews through DNA testing and comparing certain markers.

Well, you can be... in the movies. Cause then it's cool. Everywhere else it's "threatening behavior."

If you don't like an establishment's dress code, go somewhere else. A place is free to set a dress code as they like. To say that the dress code listed in the picture above is bordering on violating the FCRA is ridiculous. Besides, when has Jezebel screamed about public schools doing the same thing, or, wait, is that

I believe that you're not trying to be offensive, and please take my response in kind.