
It’s weird how much she looks like Melania in the header.

I also say this. Not with military service, but with compulsory public service. It would open you eyes to the different parts and people of the country and also give you a chance to do public good.

“Daniels apparently was forced to watch “hours” of Shark Tank with Trump and also was required to spank him with a copy of Forbes, featuring Trump, Donald Jr., and Ivanka on the cover. “

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

Those sunglasses don’t work on her.

I think Al Franken deserved due process. Everyone does. What he did is awful, certainly, but this is a representative democracy, not a government of outrage (and hypocrisy, may I add, because I don’t believe the outraged politicians are all that squeaky-clean, either). Put Franken through the ringer if need be, with

That’s because most women in Minnesota know our state isn’t some liberal paradise, and that by forcing two senate seats open in 2018, we will likely lose Franken’s seat.

Looking forward to the third movie in the trilogy “Purple Falcon”, starring Emma Watson as a ballerina who eats her family.

Who the fuck married this woman?

I am advocating for a set of rules for what happens when someone accuses you of harassment, regardless of party affiliation. Such as - minimal investigation into what happened and consequences commensurate with the offense. Applied to any senator. As a woman, I would find that more useful to my needs (which do include

Everyone? Great, show “them.” And all those white women who voted for Trump will suddenly see the light and not do so a second time, and all those women voting and campaigning for Moore will be won over by our righteous seizure of the “moral high-ground.” Fantasy. I mean, whether he resigns or not, it’s not likely

I am from New England and I would welcome annexation by Canada.

COUNTERPOINT: Björk can do whatever the fuck she wants.

The Spy Who Didn’t Love Me

Minnesotan, here, who is finding it hard to get too worked up about Franken. Does what he did make him an asshole? Sure. Does it make him a predator? I don’t think it does. That picture is the work of a jerk who thinks he’s funny because he’s blind to his male privilege. The grab-ass... that’s more creep-ish, though I

Fat shaming people doesn’t make them skinny. Trust me. My dad tried that shit on me my whole life and all it did was make me fatter. You know when I lost a significant amount of weight? When I was ready. When everyone stopped making me feel guilty for being fat. When I accepted where I was at. Fat shaming is

Oh thank god you pointed that out! I bet she just didn’t know! Think of all the lives you saved today!! I hope you have a blessed thanksgiving and sleep well knowing you’ve spread joy and helpful information!

I do. I also find the accusation very flimsy. The picture she provided is childish, yes, but he’s not touching her (she’s wearing layers of kevlar armor, too).

A couple things: First, was anyone else taken aback by Ross’ “give him another 8 month baby” proposition? I know Ross is an ass, but goddamn. Second, I think Dwight Enys is appropriately low on the list because his sex stares are as narrow as his hips. Third, the actor who plays Ossie Whitworth deserves an award

Nona, this is good advice. I worked in a jewelry store, and here’s my take: