
....You realize you posted this comment on a website dedicated to reporting the news to the exact type of people who would open such a garage, right?

Dear New York: Stop making politicians.

There are a number of reasons for this, including decreased access to jobs that pay enough to afford children for Americans.

The thing about shit-talking Waiters is that sometimes they spit in your food.

Because there’s no money for the ex-wife in a criminal case.

Play was suspended for the rest of the day due to a making it rain delay

I get where he’s coming from. If there’s one thing Russians hate it’s unfairly trying to dictate the outcome of what should be a impartial process.

We went on a beach vacation with another family and the other husband and I would spend the better part of the morning digging a hole with our kids. We’d make various holes and connect them with trenches and build sand walls around them, to protect from the waves.
The crazy thing is by the end

Wait, shouldn’t the tour apologize for clinging to the sexist vestige of “podium girls?”

He seems pretty thin-skinned for a politician and very thin-skinned for a New Yorker. This will not end well.

This is really one of those golden opportunities for me. I mean, what if I call and we really hit it off? I’m just saying what if MY call is the ONE CALL he answers out of thousands and we vibe. I feel like we would vibe, me and Jimmy Butler the professional basketball star. It would probably start slow. Like he’d

Yes, he struck out twice and was hit by a pitch

That’s a pretty awesome way to get a bunch of perfect strangers to root for  you to have an orgy with swimsuit models.

Well shit better get to it. Time’s a wasting!

Man, for $100M I’ll take his place and suffer the beating.

did... did nobody check the dude’s schedule?

Well, there goes the Clippers’ run of being somewhat slightly kind of sort of but ultimately not really relevant.

“you look like you’ve fallen over in the playground”

Exclusive image of the Track Only variant:

Derek Carr’s Dad: Man you’re going to need a large amount of sacks to put all this cash in.