
You do realize amazon prime is for free 2 day shipping on all prime eligible merchandise sold on amazon first and for streaming content second, right? I would get a prime membership to watch this show, but I’m betting that for the majority of prime members it is a nice side bonus.

I thought this was all vaporware? lIke that imports place in panama.

You’ve missed the point. I (and Vin) did not say he CAN’T do this. It is a dick move to hurt the property value of those around you.

It is very likely turning away buyers and hurting the neighboring property values.

Vin has made a post here and in the original discussion blaming both parties but done nothing to explain himself.

What I want is very very simple. It should be fun and I should be able to believe it could plausibly happen.

I assumed it was a fake because there was no way they were giving away a down with a timeout and 58 seconds to go. Spiking it would have been stupid.

Some of these delayed should probably be reair

Yet I haven’t found a better job, my wages are awful, and my Healthcare has tripled on cost.

Fear mongering isn’t going to help. (i voted 3rd party)

For the record I voted for myself.

At 100mph it would take 1,683 years 3 months and a couple days to travel that far. eben dispersed between 3 presenters and chase vehicles... no freaking way they even did 100,000 miles.

So cause of death was high speed impact or battery fire? the article isn’t clear on that.

Nowhere does it say it has to be a good car

My phone won’t type well ny kore. any more

You really took most of he answers. my more specific newer would be mid 90s Mitsubishi Eclipse the world!

Don’t you mean thanked trifold?

Nah. an argument. not an ass kicking. a heated argument

This story is now old enough to drink. 21 years ago in October 1995 I was in drivers training. The instructor is the grandpa of one of my friends. We were in an Olds of some sort.