
If the wit and personality represented in the replies to this AMA is any indication of what to expect I'll tune in.

True in which case the people who got robbed are the fans. I'm a huge fan of Taylor. He basically allowed me full access to his Grand-Am GT team in Detroit a few years back just because I knew him from iRacing. That said I still don't think the top step of the podium changes.

"as they're a great team who doesn't take motorsports too seriously."

Not sure how you can call close competitive racing not entertaining. That's trolling right there. If you watch the series those cars have had some great battles the past few years that have been exceptionally entertaining. Unless you like single file racing with no passing. In which case I can see how it wouldn't

Then quit trolling and you won't be trolled. Your first post is grade A troll material. I simply responded in-kind.

You're correct. Your opinion does not make you a moron. Your presentation of that opinion does (and I'm not talking about the homonym error).

The "Annomyous" Hackers claim to be all about exposing corruption. Where are they now? Save this Garcia guy the trouble and get the report out there for him...

He was talking about the DP not the P2 cars. That said he's still a moron.

I wish people who didn't know how to use they're properly wouldn't write on discussion boards. They're neither intelligent or ever having anything productive to say.

So it'll go as fast as a Jet due to small size and big engine or ?

The stronger case is the case against leasing. I'll never lease a car. However, if you're in short term (2 year) lease agreements where mileage isn't an issue it isn't the worst deal if you're someone who otherwise finances a vehicle.

what kind of car was it that you were looking at on Long Island Doug?

You poor poor things. Had to go to the auto-show for work and had to deal with Michigan winter. Try living here and dealing with all the lake effect snow on an annual basis :P

For a lot of people with a long commute $200 a month would pay for gas in their car even with the dip in gas prices. If you think about it the math can almost be worked out to "you can lease this car for free" depending on your daily commute.

but not quite as good as "a woman in Florida"

I really like last generation's body better.

There's a truck carrying hazardous materials right next to the one with fireworks. They've now evacuated within a 3 mile radius of the accident.

I'll repeat what I said in the other thread. This is the exact stretch of road Top Gear U.S.A. shot the semi-truck episode on where Rutledge's truck had fireworks in it that went off. The one on Top Gear, however, looked nothing like that.

This happens to be the exact same stretch of highway that Top Gear filmed their semi-truck episode (US version) on. The same stretch of highway where Rutledge's trailer of fireworks started going off.

I pulled over to let a moron by on the way to work today. I had 24" of snow to clear off my driveway in places and 16" over the rest of it. Some moron in a pickup tailgates me on my way in to work. I did everything reasonable to convince him to back off. He did not. Eventually I pulled over and let him tailgate