
Statements like this really make me think the construction of newsworthiness really is itself the most newsworthy topic of the moment. This is not some kind of thought experiment or an academic exercise. Donald Trump-as-figure or as-symbol might work in a media criticism seminar but, in the real world of elections and

You seem to have missed the point entirely as well.

You’re saying all coverage is the same type of coverage?

I believe UFC 197 is scheduled for April 23rd, not April 3rd.

hey-great job correcting the author, who was too hasty reporting a story that broke several hours ago to be accurate.

Sorry, I got logged out of my burner. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be covering a potential presidential nominee. You should be covering all of the potential presidential nominees. You should cover them evenly and cover their potential policies. That isn’t what the media has done. They want the craziest 10 - 30seconds

True. It is more of an Alford plea.

I’m somewhat swayed by the argument that CNN-et-al’s breathless coverage of his campaign legitimized it in the eyes of many moderate observers, when it could have simply ignored him and perhaps suffocated it before it developed any real momentum, but for two things: 1) As you say, of course they were going to cover it

...... You people do realize that kind of shift in physique screams heavy steroid use right? Not that I have a problem with it but let’s not kid ourselves here.

You’re totally not an asshole, hijacking a thread about a sexual assault so that you can brag about the color of your internet comment.

this kid is old enough to know what he’s doing and it looks like his mother is encouraging it