
I agree that I never equated the two incidents. Reading is difficult.

“fee-awn-say” is a pronunciation, not a word. SMH

I never said the two incidents were the same. Adverbs, bro. They are not invisible words.

“seemingly” implies a standard of relationship. The correct adverb to use here is “possibly”

Ahh, you called it an “equation” even though I originally used the word “virtually” specifically because morons like you exist.

I don’t have a comprehensive list of all players who weren’t properly criminalized for on-ice actions. You’re only further proving my point that Keith is a criminal, with my evidence as the video on which we are commenting.

Or, I could be arguing that like McSorley, Keith and Bertuzzi should have been criminally prosecuted.

“Seemingly admitted to cheating” is such a fucked up choice of words. How the fuck do you know the terms of Azalea’s and Young’s relationship?

McSorley and Keith both swung their sticks at their opponet’s skull with intent to injure. Both players made contact with their opponent’s skull.

Marty McSorley was arrested for virtually the same thing, like almost two decades ago.

Notice how Draper doesn’t mention this edit in his “correction” item.

Hey Editor, maybe you should start editing your employees’ work rather than carrying their water. We knew you never did the former, but now we know you do the latter.

So the terms of his probation were that he can’t press both pedals at the same time?