Rather Unexpected

So frostfall. :|

Yeah I know, right? Unity engine...Jeez...

Conversely, why do you need to know what they’re doing? They’re making a product. Why do you need to know what happens beyond the veil? Obviously, Early Access and Kickstarter has given us an incentive to watch a game’s development, but beyond that why do we think we’re generally entitled to information about an

No, I’m Magus and so is my wife!

weirdly enough, it’s also a good way to demonstrate why computers can seem so “stupid” many times. Computers can only do what you say. They can’t yet do what you mean.

Oh Christ, we’re going to have an aircraft carrier named for him, aren’t we? It’s gonna be the biggest, most luxurious CVN in the fleet. It’ll be yuge, folks, and it’s gonna patrol the South Gina Sea. Believe me.

The Greatest Cultural Appropriation of All Time is more than a bit hyperbolic. So far over 30 poems have been found to be plagiarized, it seems two we’re poems written by black people from the names I recognize. This guy was an equal opportunity thief. A couple were literally stolen from unpublished poets that post

I thought the movie was okay for what it was, and figured the internet backlash was going to destroy it for no other reason than it’s not the source material.

“Illusions”, Michael.

The thing is that the early 2000s were the pinnacle of The Golden Age of PC Gaming. Till 2005 we still had big budget PC only games, pushing the limits. And this shows, HL2, F.E.A.R. and some others still look very nice, but early multi plats haven’t aged so well, even games in 2010 kind of don’t hold so well.

Sarkeesian intentionally created a climate of fear around her critique, that if devs didn’t listen to her they were sexist evil little misogynists. A lot of devs were largely forced to change out of fear.

They don’t actually unload and reload the models when the camera moves, they simply don’t issue draw calls for those parts of the memory. Unloading so aggresively on PS4 would be counterproductive since the system and GPU memory is shared, it’d need to be reloaded from HDD, and that’s way too slow.

Hitman? Forget it, 80+ FPS in 1440p on the crowded streets of Marrakesh, where before I’d been in the 40s.

Because that would be CREEPY...? People aren’t there just to be fucked...