
I don’t understand why Burneko gets likes on his responses. Who are the clowns who recommend that crap?

It was indeed a solid point by Illegal Machine, and Burneko's garbage response gets 3x the stars. Deadspin readers. Pfft.

No, we’re assuming you’re a know-nothing because you’re placing so much weight on regular season games when everything is different in the playoffs.

The Warriors are a fantastic team, and I would bet that they would win a series 8/10 times against the Thunder (and this series still might be one of those times), but I

The score is only one element of the game. Sometimes shots just don’t fall even when everything else is done right.

Those regular season games mean absolutely nothing now, and we're seeing who the better team *actually* is.

So. Many. Unnecessary. Words.

Sheesh, editors. No one needs 2,500+ words to tell a story that was summed up by a headline just fine, especially when those 2,500 words aren't all that great to begin with.

This was exactly my thought when reading this. My wife is too good for me. :)

I'm so glad I don't have to deal with dating anymore.

RsBI isn't even "technically correct." You don't pluralize acronyms WITHIN the acronym. That makes no sense whatsoever. This guy was just being a weirdo.

Giovinco clearly deserves to be on that roster. There isn't a better striker in Italy. I think this has less to do with Giovinco's quality and more to do with the fact that Conte just seems to hate him.

I’m a firm believer that EVERY person who is able should be required to undergo some sort of “boy scout” training at a young age. It doesn’t have to be Boy Scouts of America, but it should entail some sort of general outdoor education that will teach people a modicum of respect for nature.

Pack it in, pack it out.


Is there a non-Bostonian soul out there to whom it is not abundantly obvious that Tom Brady intentionally cheated the system?

He may or may not deserve 4 games, but it's an undeniable fact that he did what he's accused of doing.

Didn't watch the game. Was the initial call a foul or a travel? Green shuffled his feet, but it sounded to me like the announcers thought the call was a foul on Adams.

Neapolitan FTW

I think this has to be a troll, people. No one in their right mind would accuse Koenigsegg of being anything less than spectacular when it comes to making finely tuned performance machines...

Well, maybe a regretful Veyron owner, but I doubt "myTotaledTahoe" has a Veyron.

I have a M8 and a Nexus 6P. Honestly, Huawei is every bit as good. I'll be happy with either.

Spoken like someone who makes a living getting people to make “emotional” car purchases. :)

In all seriousness though, people who are making car buying an “emotional” experience are not going to run things through a calculator. People who are willing to let a calculator make their car buying decisions don't have

More importantly, if you can’t afford the monthly payment on your car, you’re looking in the wrong price range.

Hot tip coming right up: When buying a quickly depreciating asset, don't buy what you can *afford.* Buy what you *need.* (this tip does not apply to the super wealthy. It applies to the average human)

Raptors are the same as Land Rovers, IMO. It’s a $70k truck. People who buy those aren’t taking it off road. And for $70k, you could do a lot better with a custom build.

I'll take my $4500 Taco over a $70k Raptor any day.

This is exact reason I bought a '99 Taco Limited for $4500. It's a BEAST off-road, is small enough to maneuver in tight spaces, and I don't care one tiny bit about the exterior's condition.

“When I was in undergrad...”

Anytime someone says this, I automatically dismiss them as a tool with an exaggerated sense of accomplishment and self worth. No one cares. Literally.

Does anyone read those Cards articles? I haven’t looked at one since their 2nd or 3rd loss, and I don’t remember the comments sections getting much attention.

Not a Cards fan, and I couldn't care less whether or not they keep making those articles, but I find it extremely stupid and uninteresting.