
That interior looks almost good.

Ford’s market cap is $49B, so he could execute a hostile takeover of Ford.

Not keeping your eyes out of the boat is a big no-no.

You can set an autopilot to “course”. And you don’t even need a chartplotter.

Typical powerboater not keeping any sort of lookout and completely oblivious to his surroundings. This boat could have killed people in the water, and he would go “Eh, it was on autopilot”, thinking he didn’t have to keep a lookout then. Fucking idiot.

The US with practically no limitations on what you expose the public to, and Canada where level 5 is allowed, most countries where people would actually buy a self-driving vehicle, it has to be quite high on the levels too.

Seems like a good price for a car that can be run for a while, even if it is a BMW.

Ventilation should take care of most, rather than overpoweringly scented chemicals that people might be allergic to. Hell, you could even run charcoal filters to remove the scent of death.


I am someone who can tell the tech is not there, despite the rendered photos and even if they had mocked up a “real” thing. The software and hardware for self-driving is not there. At best, we are talking level 3, and even that has degrees.

LOL, yes, but this is not a level 5 vehicle. That’s the thing: “Hey, let’s show a vision of the feature by mocking up (rendering) a “full self-driving” design when the tech at most is level 3".

Yet, all photos are rendering, and as self-driving level 5 does not exist, and you can’t simply mechanically engineer it, it doesn’t exist, regardless of how great the prototype mockup is.

Yeah, no.

Terrifying failure mode.

1) the tech is not there

This car, although it looks fun, always gives me the willies. The reason is that if the fans, running at 20k or something, would pick up a stone or metal piece from the road, it will turn ugly really, really fast. It scares the shit out of me just thinking about it.

Renderings of how they’d like to be able to do things. This is not real. Hell, it’s as real as most renderings of a fantasy future: Not at all.

I am so over hyper cars. It took some years (decades) to realise, but I fail to get excited about cars that will only be sold to people who will never drive them.

They had to sue?

No, from a purely aesthetic standpoint, a mirror finish does not look better. Yes, it’s more work, but “shinier” does not equal “better” from a “purely aesthetic standpoint”. Of course, your aesthetics are likely different from mine.