Those not-at-all-stupid Kaiser helmets, though? Safer than encasing your noggin in carbonite.
Those not-at-all-stupid Kaiser helmets, though? Safer than encasing your noggin in carbonite.
How is he going to “fix” it? The same way he fixed Tesla’s Auto Pilot but removing all radar and relying 100% on cameras that can’t distinguish a close motorcycle from a car in the distance?
Donald Trump has resigned! While shitting himself thoroughly! Also then he swallowed all his pills and has entered the sweet embrace of Death!
So just make a list of the people in this world who are responsible for the most individual instances of things exploding in the sky in an unplanned fashion and put number one in charge of aircraft safety. Awesome.
Collatoral personnel damange is a problem, but the thought of Trump and Musk flying together on a hastily assembled aircraft.... I mean, I see some upside potential.
Were there any bowls of petunias plummeting alongside the rock? Perhaps a very confused whale? Several hundred million lightly fried eggs?
The odds of a meteorite traveling hundreds of millions of miles and landing on someone’s doorstep are unfathomably small, and landing directly in the line of sight of a Ring camera is truly remarkable.
Artemis had a single flight... that did not explode at all and went to the Moon and came back without showering any portion of the earth with debris. Development on Starship started in 2012.
“Yeah, but Bill. He died in the accident. Nobody survives a hard bump in these deathtraps. Why would they put a cast on a dead guy? Completely ruined the wake.”
“Gee Bill, why is Frank in a cast?" "Well Chuck, he was driving his new Chevy and hit that bump a bit too hard outside the country store. Shattered his wrist with that fancy new wheel of his." "Well that's a drag. Should have bought a Studebaker".
Side note, the dazzle-ship is available on Morgan cars and I fucking love it.
I guess we should just be glad that a journalist’s errors don’t have the same impact as an aircraft mechanic’s.
I feel like it being a Boeing is the explanation at this point.
So who is doing the maintenance on all these 737's lately? We probably shouldn’t leave it to the Explorer Scouts any more.
“Please make sure that it is in the upright and LOCKED position, thank you,”
It might be impacting the Tesla share price, finally - it’s down about 11% over the past month after the super-rush-up after the November election.
Oh boy… they Cybertrucked the front end.
It’s funny how Tesla is saying that all the info it collect is kept private but proved in a matter of hours that it’s not and that Tesla can use it at anytime, at will, in any way, shape or form they desire.