
Beat me to it. I enjoy Albert’s writing most of the time, but I wouldn’t exactly call him an “analyst.”

Good thing no one on the staff made any sweeping declarations of grandeur for Miami after Game 1.

I can’t wait to read the redbox reviews, which is going to be parents complaining about how they just wanted to get their kids a batman cartoon.
The Dark Knight Returns sat at 1-star because of people who didn’t pay attention to the ratings, and that was just PG-13, so this is really going to get them going.

This is a straight-to-video release, right? In that case, R isn't the problem that it is with theatrical releases, since, bluntly, it's much easier for younger people to rent it via streaming or buy the DVD than to go to the movie theater.

That is one hot take!

Chinese business English is not American anything English. Even if the guy was having trouble getting his question out, the firing was not likely about his question but about the response.

My girlfriends grandfather once asked me if I had a cock. I told him yes and sat there for a full minute awkwardly making minimal eye contact. He got up and brought back a Coke. That language barrier can fuck up any conversation.

At least he didn’t call them the ‘Yoffs.

The rash of musician deaths is actually due to Keith Richards’ increasing demand for souls to power his immortality spell. Prince should be enough to keep him going through year-end.

Yes, having them in mens sizes only is pretty stupid. However, I would think these were going to be purchased as collectors items, without the intention of actually being worn. They should have made them one size fits all; problem solved.

Aminu was quite the character at Wake Forest. The first time I met him it was the summer before his freshman year, and a girl had called me (the RA on duty) at around 3 am because she was locked out of her room. When I got up to the top floor, two girls were standing at the door and Farouq and another basketball

Please don’t misquote Kevin Durant. It’s rude and unprofessional. He did NOT say that Mark Cuban is “an idiot.” He very clearly (and repeatedly) said he is “a idiot.”

Thank God.

I would gladly get paid $17.5 million to eventually not have to do my job. What’s his deal?

I think Oscar Robertson was right and the old guys were tougher, just imagine how many wet spots Wilt Chamberlain slipped on without injuring himself.

Tom Brady had some learning time on the bench until Bill Belichek made his genius move of Drew Bledsoe having his rib cage crushed and then learning the QB he’d had riding the bench was actually one of the best in the history of the game.

I don’t think Brett Favre saying “I’m Brett Favre bitch. Go fuck yourself” repeatedly to Aaron Rodgers really counts as “learning time.”

Howie Roseman, the man who may have hired Doug Pederson with no vetting whatsoever (outside of, “Andy Reid - that guy we fired - said he was the best!”), may have bungled the whole Sam Bradford thing? Say it ain’t so.

Compare and contrast the tickets and Grizzlies. Grizzlies knewnthey were gonna lose but went down with pride.