
At least one reason traditional radio must never die: play by play people are much better than TV ones. Except

watch in Safari.

I don’t even have a joke. That was awesome. Hope he’s not punished for it

That was fantastic.

To deny Trent Dilfer the right to voice an opinion on this issue just because he is white is just as stupid as trying to deny Colin Kaepernick the right to voice his opinion. Both men are entitled to offer an opinion, neither is doing are saying something so heinous that they should not even dare make an utterance.

The offensive player also knows the play while the defender has to read/anticipate. In theory it should always be the more difficult job, which is why it’s impressive when a defender can be so good.

Defensive players usually get more shit than (most) offensive players, right? I mean getting beat as a corner usually leads to huge plays or touchdowns. Getting “beat” as a WR means an incomplete pass or not having the ball thrown to you. I think from a “fan” perspective the defense has a much harder job- WR only has

You just knew at some point the world would be taking style cues from Riley Curry

Still better than being a millionaire and using beats headphones.

I work in television on the production end and was actually just at Bristol... The TV compound is nowhere near that stage - if that was Richard Petty he was probably on the other side of the stadium in a truck getting ready for a Nascar tie-in and oblivious to what was being discussed. Sounds like an inconvenient

Honestly? I hope this is the sign of things to come.

That same acid trip took me to New Jersey where I’ve been attempting to lay low and blend in to a bipedal world while making travel arrangements back home. You may have seen me on the news:

As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic bear. He was lying on his furry, as it were hirsute, back and when he lifted his head a little he could see his formerly bald belly now covered with brown hair on top of which the bed quilt could hardly keep in

The more I read the word “poise” the weirder it gets. It doesn’t even seem real anymore.

One thing’s for sure, he is a quarterback in the National Football League.

Pictured: Poise

You remember over at Elway’s place?

Well I mean you draft a first round quarterback because you want someone good - not just someone who has poise.