Navin R Johnson

Maybe some of these people will use Google Wave to help them read contest rules?

I'm changing all my passwords from 123456 to lafaroleratropezoooooooooooooo

Does Facebook store images at high enough quality to make decent prints from?

WOW, just wow. I wasn't using my google voice even though I really liked the service because I get free mobile to mobile minutes. This lets me use the awesome GV features and keep my phone # plus the free mobile to mobile.

@Reaper0294: I had tried a few emulator in the past to play some games with my son. The wifi part was missing in all of them and that's what caught my eye in this article

When I see a guy driving a hummer or whatever I don't think they appear rich at all. In fact I think the opposite.

@TheFu: I tried mediawiki, JSPwiki and I settled on Docuwiki.

@jonnydover: I think these are collaborative work solutions. Liminotes is "Designed for individuals" and "solo note taking"

Rasterbator will do this easier than smuggling 300 paint chips out of home depot.

@Navin R Johnson: By the way, I'm also running MS Office in Crossover Linux for those of you who might notice the Outlook icon.

@iamnotafish: I definitely think you should put that on your resume. That will guarantee more potential jobs for me. Plus it will make my resume look better in comparison.

@phoenix: I don't know about a great photographer, but certainly one with clearer results.

@icelava: If you're shooting 10 sec exposures I think you'll need a tripod. No amount of breathing will help you.

One of the benefits of working for a Seattle based company, good coffee! Even over here on the east coast :)

I think I'm going to put my next expired card in the microwave, just to see what happens.

@TheFu: In the Pwn2Own hacking contest chrome was the only browser not hacked. So based on that it would also be most secure.