
I’d send them a farewell package but I already shipped all of my dildos up to Oregon.

The selfish, asshole part of me is hoping we can (symbolically at least) get a declaration removing “Enos Stanley” from his name, as he besmirches the legacy of two great men with his base greed.

You spelled 98% wrong.

To be fair, brain damage likely accounts for over 50% of his support.

And yet nobody was ejected for any of this.

Didn't see that one coming! /sarcasm

“And yet, he’s still listed in the credits for the next movie. Ponder that if you will.”

As you know, a similar situation was unfolding in Buffalo last year. Thankfully, we were able to keep our Bills due to the deep pockets of the Pegula family. That purchase of the franchise lead to RECORD-BREAKING sales in season tickets for 2015. Personally, I feel for you St. Louis, and hope you get to keep your

“Any NFL Club that signs on to this proposal,” the application says, “will be well on the road to financial ruin, and the League will be harmed.”

Carry the three, divide by Bob Gibson... hang on. I’m gonna get a calculator and get back to you.

I’m a Yankee fan, which means that I’m my own special kind of asshole and that I don’t really give a shit about the Cards or any NL team.

My bad. You’re right. Just like Donald Trump is right about the Muslims.

I totally agree. And to be clear, I have ZERO dog in this fight, couldn’t care less about the parties involved. Wainwright said repeatedly how he liked the guy, liked him as a teammate, and thought he would play well moving forward. He also said: some guys want to be BMOC, and some guys want to be in a situation where

Amen, bravo good sir

It’s getting pretty silly the intentional misrepresentation you all manufacture about an entire fan base.

You’ve got such a hard on for Cardinals-bashing it’s just sad. Disclaimer, born and raised in Miami, I couldn’t give a f*** about the Cardinals. But I’m tired of seeing every single story you write turn into a self-ejaculating passive-aggressive flagelation of how the Cardinals are really the evil ones hiding petty

The Cardinals are Deadspin is, for some reason, still saying things about Jason Heyward the Cardinals, who signed with the Chicago Cubs this offseason after playing just one season in St. Louis once again offered a completely harmless quote about Jason Heyward.

“Jason is such a great teammate, and such a great guy. We love Jason. And he’s going to do great for Chicago.”