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    Reese Brands kindly reminds its customers that trailer hitches are not designed or rated for rectal insertion.

    Eh, there’s some ambiguity as to whether or not people born overseas to American parents are “natural-born” citizens or not. Congress explicitly said John McCain’s situation (born in the Panama Canal Zone i.e. U.S. territory to parents abroad on official assignment) qualified, and they conspicuously did NOT do the

    Malls are doing juuuust fine in China, believe you me. You can get your dinner and/or groceries and/or liquor with an app, but pretty much any significant household purchase requires an in-person appearance or a dice roll on one of several Chinese versions of eBay.

    Hot taek: I can’t frickin’ stand anyone involved in this.

    Just start with the fact that one of the world’s leading refs is a gay Welsh standup comedian and bard, and go from there.

    As noted elsewhere, it was very likely port. There are true dessert wines carried in true first class cabins by some airlines, but Delta doesn’t have true first class cabins. [harrumphs, adjusts monocle.]

    I suspect the ambiguity was intentional. Give the kid options without having to change his/her/their/its actual name.

    Darn. It’s Tom Shannon (under secretary for political affairs since last year, pretty much every other slightly-less-senior position before that, former ambassador to Brazil). Good guy. Low profile. And his low-profileness might be why he still has his job (thank God), as Trump dismissed every other under secretary

    Eh. It’s not a question of competence at that level, and one can have a decent foreign policy run from the White House (see Obama, Barack). It’s just that career diplomats tend to be pretty low-profile people and SecState is a high-profile job. Case in point: the seniormost career guy was acting secretary for a couple

    Literally nothing in this comment accurately reflects visa policy or practice. In this particular case, the outcome is sad but very likely correct under the law (which has been around in more or less its present state for over 60 years): you cannot have a nonimmigrant visa unless you can demostrate abundantly that you

    Sigh. Look, nobody likes these stories, but dollars to donuts this decision has nothing to do with Trump, terrorism, religion, national security, or anything else that makes headlines. Very likely, the visa officers took one look at the group, decided they were not idiots, and therefore refused the visas, because you

    If we’re being REALLY fair, there’s only ever been one career diplomat who served as appointed Secretary of State (Lawrence Eagleburger, who had the job for all of a month in the lame-duck portion of the GHW Bush admin). Clinton likely wouldn’t have selected one, either, though there was a department legend on her

    I restate my motion that we resolve the ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State/Daesh whatdowecallem game by naming this outfit “Assholes Amalgamated.” Because really, it’s hard to find any movement in history as committed to nothing but evil for evil’s sake. They always give some excuse, sure, but really there’s no evidence of any

    Also, the term “natural-born citizen” is really poorly defined in law. The Immigration and Nationality Act and the certificates issued overseas to confirm citizenship (Consular Recprds of Birth Abroad) both use the language “acquired citizenship at birth.” John McCain was physically born in Panama and Congress had to

    And probably on United, no less!

    I mean, a lighter is butane in a can with a conveniently-placed sparking apparatus, so it would be bad to have on a plane (where firefighting is super difficult).

    I mean, you’ve seen Cincinnati’s topography; where could you even put an airport on the OH side of the river?

    Oranges and fennel are a super traditional combination, but... yeah, I’m not sure of the effect of substituting clementines and have no idea why one would bother.

    Neither one had any status with the airline. Holding a cobranded credit card is worth the proverbial bucket of warm spit and one checked bag each. They bought upgrades at check-in, probably for about $45 each on a flight of that distance. The flight was then downgauged from a CRJ-900 (12 first-class seats) to a

    McMaster, being on active duty, did not have the option of declining an order from the president and continuing in his previous role, though. He could put in his papers earlier than he meant to, or he could take a big bite of that... um, bullet. Doesn’t really give us any indication of whether he thought he could