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    Unless things turn around in a hurry, nobody who doesn’t have to suck up to Trumpites to keep their phony baloney jobs is going to do so. And things won’t turn around in a hurry. Not one person in government doesn’t see Trump for who he is. The large plurality can’t stand him, a small contingent loves him to death,

    Yes, thank you for that lovely insight which is entirely appropriate when the president is not fully dedicated to the dismantling of all constitutional order. I am frankly not worried about corporate lobbying right now. I am worried about the end of democracy, and right now states--mostly, but not exclusively blue

    TBH right now “favor(ing) state power over federal power” sounds extra tasty crispy.

    By way of comparison, the Cardinals dude who poked around in his old boss’s scouting notes got 46 months. Huzzah for justice!

    Still a better use of funds than actually giving money to Bernie Sanders’s campaign.

    If the Constitution is worth anything: no chance in hell.

    It’d have to be Der Trumpenfuhrer himself, then. Nothing in Tillerson’s record suggests LGBTQ hostility (if reports are to be believed, he supported ending anti-gay discrimination in the Boy Scouts as a member of their national board). Career leadership at State is uniformly pro-gay rights. We got 999,999 problems but

    I can’t support this analysis. There are four words here, three of which are of significance, and all three are good things in every permutation except perhaps “titty lasagna,” and even that might be worth a try depending on whether we’re talking kink or cannibalism.

    Ah yes, the ever-enjoyable “I’m not racist; it’s just that blacks are, objectively speaking, subhuman beasts” defense.

    Same reason any of the rest of us pay our mortgage instead of going on a photo safari in the Serengeti or what have you: they thought there’d be time, and they didn’t want to make their own lives difficult in the moment. If even a normal hardcore conservative like Rubio or Jeb! is waiting in the wings, we’re still

    Unfortunately “critical but stable” is a thing. A persistent vegetative state is bad and nonrecoverable, but it is nothing if not stable.

    That was the KMT’s position long after democratic reforms took hold, though. Like, Ma Ying-jeou. Unification was never a unanimous goal and independence isn’t a unanimous position now. It’s a tricky situation as you well know, which is to say Mr. Blunt Instrument is unlikely to untangle it to any satisfactory end if

    Aw shucks. Not 35, though, and unlike some people I actually respect the Constitution.

    Amendment: derp, the DPP (independence-friendly party) won the general election for the first time in 2000, not 2016, though the KMT held a majority in the legislature.

    Well, yeah, but that was and is the KMT’s official position (they still got Chiang’s bones sitting in Taoyuan waiting to be repatriated to Zhejiang), and they were perfectly happy to wait it out under what they felt was a continually improving status quo. Evidently the public (a goodly portion of which has never known

    Re: Trump, you’re right on, but as far as one-China is concerned--that “fiction” was also 100% Taiwan’s avowed position until literally six months ago. It’s a complicated situation, but it’s hardly the case that Taiwan has been clamoring for independence since 1949. They were clamoring for reunification for lo these

    Apparently Trump’s now leaning towards the CEO of ExxonMobil, Rex Tillerson, for State now. Tillerson is pals with Putin due to the whole oil industry thing.

    False-flag operation, natch. Team Sane sends a crazy guy out to do a crazy thing claiming he’s working for Team Crazy, thus making Team Crazy look crazy to those who somehow weren’t clued in by all the crazy in Team Crazy’s brochure.

    Duped or not, people are responsible for their own actions. All the evidence was there. Trump wasn’t even TRYING to hide the fact that he’s a psychopath who can’t say “good morning” without lying twice. They chose to ignore it. And if civilization survives this clown then each and every one of them should be shamed

    As tempting as it is to roll around on some high-grade, 1,000-thread count schadenfreude, it’s also hard to ignore one nagging sensation that’s been altogether absent this election season: Sympathy. As Bernie Sanders reminded us in this excellent interview with Matt Taibbi, many Trump voters supported their man