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    Silver lining (such as it is): police unions are being exposed as public enemies. Or exposing themselves, as it were.

    People are sad because he's dead; the fact that it was his fault doesn't make it less sad. He screwed up and paid the highest price for his mistake—much higher than most of the many, many people who make the same mistake pay. A kid's dead who shouldn't be; what holy purpose is served by taking a sledgehammer to his

    No major, but a penalty shot and a game misconduct (the only penalty goalies actually serve personally). Skrutop's right that it's basically always the smart play to delete the net under these circumstances otherwise.

    AJ had, before the at bat, advised Wong to put a get-on-base swing on the ball and not try to do too much with it. Wong's celebratory remark to AJ was "did I get on base?"

    Probably would've had to apologize profusely and wait for another umpire to witness him touching home plate. Even if the ump took it personally and ejected him, the ejection doesn't take effect until the end of the continuing play (and even if that weren't the case, you're allowed to pinch run for a guy while the

    Those guys are a total embarrassment.

    Can fellow Cardinals fans please note that this article is well thought-out and says nothing but good things about the Cardinals and their fans? And maybe try to reinforce such commentary by NOT being hyper defensive jerks about past Leitch-trolling that is not in evidence here?

    Relax, man; I'm a Cards fan, but he's not wrong. Lots of people buying tickets helps the bottom line, but not as much as having a TV market 25 million strong. Only 20% of greater LA has to tune into a Dodgers game to exceed 100% of maximum eyeballs on any given Cards telecast. Makes ad time more valuable. No way will

    You do realize that people from Ferguson, including protesters in Ferguson, are by and large Cardinals fans, right? An accurate headline for the post-game clash last night would have been "Asshole Cardinal Fans Antagonize Protesting Non-Asshole Cardinal Fans."

    Beaucoup style points.

    DS has at least 20 "Herp derp, guess they didn't do it the right way" captions to the "get a brain morans" picture for every Cardinals fan alive. Make your jokes; just get a new one.

    Idiotic "the right way" jokes deployed in three... tw—there are already three of them.

    Looks like most of his business at the moment is on Rakata Prime where nobody lives. Perhaps his angle is one of overwhelming force—war over before it begins sort of thing. Aaanyway, wouldn't take it as a given that he's malevolent, but it's a possibility. Canon is that Revan married (or at least procreated with)

    Where does it say he wants to kill everything, or that he's evil at all? Seems like they were a bit coy about that, frankly. He's opposed to both the Empire and the Republic, but "opposed to current galactic order" != "evil." Seems like there's a case to be made that overpowering two factions that have combined to

    1) I'm with etruscanlibrary here. I heartily agree with the protestors' position, but had I been at the concert I probably would've been knocked a bit off-balance (which was the whole point of the protest). Sounded like a lot more than two people clapping, anyway.

    Remember, folks: Kansas City (or any city) isn't allowed to have a happy moment without Deadspin and/or its commenters making it about how Cardinals fans are awful.

    ... "Deadspin writer says 'Best fans in baseball' ironically"—oh, SWEET, that's bingo! Don't know why we even put it on the cards anymore, really; it's basically a free square.

    Yes, Slay's piece is terrible, but good Christ, Magary, do you ever need a new hobby. This one is not good for your blood pressure; plus, if half the things you say about STL are true, you're harassing the civic equivalent of a special-needs child, which can't be good karma.

    And let's not forget the glorious visual treat that is victory formation.

    Thanks, we try.