I love wolves. I have no desire to ever own one.
I love wolves. I have no desire to ever own one.
I don’t even see a need to repeal the 2nd. I think it would be enough to enforce the 2nd amendment. Simply require every potential firearms owner to be a member of a militia, regulated by the government.
Don’t get me started on my sister, mainly because anything I’d say would somehow get back to her. She is the devil Thoughts & Prayers
Teenagers definitely shouldn’t be using these - frankly no one who isn’t already a smoker should use any vape in my opinion. Nicotine and the daily rituals surrounding it are fiendishly addictive as we all know. But I’ve been smoking pretty much nonstop since I was 19 (39 now), have tried all sorts of things to try to…
True. But for me, I’m more likely to actually die from an asthma attack than from any germs in my kitchen.
Given the response from these organizations it seems more likely (IMO), that Larry is one among many predators within these organizations. Fear of liability may have been one among many considerations not to exclude the real possibility that he is just one of several other scumbags preying on these young women. I say…
Be nice enough to them to get on their will and/or life insurance. Wait for it. Enjoy your yacht when you retire.
Counterpoint: Dressing nicely might score you a free upgrade (but very likely won’t), while dressing comfortably is a sure bet.
Crash course on medical ethics.
As a recovered alcoholic I can say please get medical help if you stop drinking. I had to be hospitalized three days before going to rehab to prevent this. Don’t be ashamed, and don’t think you can automatically do it on your own.
Are you a Sleeping Giant? If you’re not, please think about becoming one. It’s easy: you take screenshots on Breitbart and alert the companies that their products are being advertised. Or even just retweet it when others have. Stop Funding Hate is worth supporting, too.
I’m 30, lonely and friendless! I could be the wise matriarch of the group, who tells long boring stories about how everything is scary and the safest course of action is to do nothing. Then when I nod off, drooling, you guys can do whatever the kids your age do these days. Fidget spinners? Slime videos?
You guys are all really sweet. This is good.
don’t go!
Hello. 26, lonely and friendless here, have been most of my life. I couldn’t fathom asking someone to kill themselves. Goodbye.
He literally was not making sense. I was watching it live and genuinely started to wonder if he was having a stroke on CSPAN.
No it isn’t ageism to note that McCain is past his prime. People do feel the effects of advanced years, and add the imprisonment that he experienced to the real possibility that McCain may now find his job more challenging.
These studies are based on burning the e-liquid, causing combustion and producing chemical byproducts. Under normal use it’s only subjected to a statE change with none of these byproducts, as proved by a comprehensive study by the NIH. This is just big tobacco propaganda.
Everyone's getting all worked up about letting cats outside... I just assumed this was a euphemism for creating a GPS tracker to stalk your significant other...