
Yeah Hillary colluded with Russia so Trump would win. Makes tons of sense.

Me too. And I don’t think lack of sleep explains that level of cognitive dysfunction. I just felt sad watching him trying to question Comey.


Rhapsody was awesome because it would let me load music onto my Sansa clip. I love my tiny Sansa clip with it’s tactile buttons for exercising but no service supports it anymore.

Was so confused bc I had them mixed them up with third eye blind for a moment. I thought wait they can’t be going with the band that taunted the audience at the republican convention.

Can you imagine TR’s reaction if he could have heard Trump’s comments on McCain in Vietnam?

Statistically, the greatest cause of deaths for teenagers is car accidents. The most dangerous time to be in a car for anyone is during the early evening hours. Have you ever met anyone that was later killed or severely injured in a car accident? Compare that to how many people you’ve known that were shot or injured

It just seems like you’re ok with the time now because she may have woken up early to practice track. But honestly what difference does it make?  The time doesn’t matter. Statistically you’re chances of being shot as a bystander in a crime are much higher at 9pm than 4am. Whether she had a legitimate to you reason to

That’s not what the study found. It was looking at the carbon impact of following FDA recommendations for what people should eat, not the carbon impact of meat eaters vs vegetarians or vegans. It didn’t look at the impact of a vegetarian or vegan diet at all. One of the fda recs is more fruits and vegetables and less

Some Orca pods prey on Humpback whale calves.

That’s not really what the study found. It was looking at FDA recommendations for what people should eat, not the actual carbon impact of meat eaters vs vegetarians or vegans. The study didn’t compare the diets of a typical vegetarian or vegan diet to that of a typical meat eater. For example, one of the fda recs is

His speaking voice sounds like a whiny teenager.

Most of the time. But sometimes people are just invested in someone’s guilt for a reason that’s beyond me. I find this with the West Memphis 3 too. That case was just a travesty of justice. But I’ve had discussions online with people who are quite familiar with the facts yet still find ways to fit them into their own

Nicole’s daughter Bella recently married a non Scientologist. So that’s at least something, I guess.

They’ve done this with animals. Mary Roach has a chapter on head transplants in her book Stiff. Excellent book, wish I’d skipped that part though. Pretty horrific.

Wait, 30-something? He was 44 when he made Manhattan.

I was cutting him some slack because I assumed he learned English later in life. But nope, his mom’s Canadian. He’s just a terrible writer.

Ethyl alcohol dissolves the bacteria’s cell membrane and denatures all the proteins. It’s sort of like a bomb, it destroy the entire mechanism of the cell. Whereas the way an antibiotic works is way more specific and that’s why bacteria can develop resistance to them.

No, because realistically the chances are so small. If I was fearful of being killed I’d be far more anxious driving to work everyday on the freeway.

“a steep price to pay for only 20 minutes of action”