
Well now that he’s issued a denial that’s different. He’s not denying that he sent her texts at that date/time so one of their phones would have to be examined to show the context. Even if the texts were deleted they should still be able to recover them.

In looks like she has text messages from Johnny Depp’s assistant that acknowledge another incident when Depp kicked her.

I know but he also stated that he was in the house on the day of the alleged abuse and that Woody Allen was never alone with Dylan. That’s contradicted in the court transcripts as they do not list him among the adults and children that were there that day.

Actually there are tons of people online that are absolutely convinced that Mia deliberately manipulated her daughter to falsely accuse WA of sexual abuse. To get back at Woody Allen for Soon Yi. That is also a crime and a pretty horrible thing to be accused of. So I think it goes both ways.

By “note of absolution” do you mean the SACD petition for Polanski’s release after he was arrested in Switerland? If so please know that Mia Farrow did not sign that. Many actors and directors, including Woody Allen, signed it but she did not.

*pass, not pay

Legally consenting, yes. But Soon Yi was in high school when the relationship began. Woody was still with Mia at the time. He didn’t consider his relationship with Soon Yi to be serious, based on his statements given under oath during the custody hearing. Soon Yi had a learning disability. (Woody Allen knew this- he

It was a private polygraph arranged by his lawyers. I don’t blame him for not wanting to take a polygraph examination administered by the police. With a privately administered polygraph any results, including previous failed polygraph attempts, fall under lawyer-client privilege. There’s no downside this way, if he

Actually Woody Allen sued for custody only after learning about the sexual abuse investigation. (In the custody ruling WA was awarded supervised visitation with Ronan and no visitation, not even with supervision, with Dylan. He later lost his supervised visitations with Satchel.)

It’s not heartless, Sandra Herold was complicit in what happened to Charla Nash. She should never have asked her to help get Travis back inside after he escaped from the house. There was another incident where Travis got out during a car ride and chased after a man. A Stamford, Connecticut animal control officer who

In the video demonstration I saw you want to wedge one of the metal prongs from the headrest into the space where the window retracts and then pull the headrest towards you.