Nautical Disaster

Is “with a roof” the wrong answer?

Early Boxster is definitely inexpensive to buy, maintenance could go either way. I do, however, think porsche is the answer but would suggest a 944 S2 Cabriolet

I don’t see the point in this. Dont most newer cars unlock as you approach or touch the handle without taking keys out of your pocket. Why would I want to drag my phone out?

Pretty sure that’s an AR15...

Sounds like they were following your directions. They were rolling... the car over... perhaps you need to be more clear with them in the future. 

But I think you’re driving to fast

As a Canadian, I find this confusing. Americans (according to politicians at least) do not want government funded health care because socialism is evil and will cause the downfall of society. On the other hand the DMV is not supported by fees but instead takes government funding? Shouldn’t the individual need to pay fu

Yep, I always disable traction and skid control anytime it gets slippery. Much easier to control, more predictable, and definitely more fun. Source: quattro and xdrive. I put it back on once I get on the highway though, makes lane changes over the slush humps easy

Beat me to the glitter comment

Pretty sure your aren’t even getting to the point of them throwing on extra charges if you only show up with $500.00.

Probably not getting out of the grey for this but you can buy actual glasses from for 1$ or less and they can be reused or just donate them. If washing glasses is the issue you can rent them. Rental company drops them off before your event and picks up the dirty glasses and or dishes the next day. Just stick them in th

Probably not getting out of the grey for this but you can buy actual glasses from for 1$ or less and they can be reus

Clear lenses are fine, regular, even very dark, sunglasses are fine as well. I find the iris recognition is a little slow or finicky with polarized lenses, and it does not work at all with mirrored lenses. 

Ummm... pretty sure the technical term is ‘digger’

City busses have better seats... one of the requirements was comfort.

In New Brunswick you’d be swinging a salmon, not shaking a trout. Or maybe smelts...

Works on Windows too if your keys are locked in the car.