nausea inducing


So put him in charge of sets and get him away from the camera and script.

The GOP are making abortion legally illegal. Its just fucking wrong…and they are laughing at getting away with it.

How does someone with the crappiest of resumes (the two and a half of the movies listed above - District 9 gets a half good) continue to receive such offerings?

sorry, its the double whammy

Yes, but most of those listed had set-ups that enabled many different story lines to emerge. What would be the intrigue with Snowpiercer other than wondering what is in the next train car?

Set design = A++.

Psych had a similar writing style of bringing in their favorite moments growing up….when done well (here and in Psych), its thoroughly enjoyable.

Mario Aguilar - What was the media used that you listened to? Its mentioned that a “few files” were pulled…but were these actually electronic files or some other format?

Ahhh, that $28 Pureology candy smell pays off.

She’s Gotta Have It is still one of my favorite of his films.

Sorry folks, but this is a fictional play simply using a real world person. I would prefer that the actual production be judged and not just the notion of which race portrayed which character. Could it go horribly wrong, absolutely and should be judged as such. Could it also offer a twist to the story (as this

The writing is a fictional depiction of events…so no, its not a historically accurate play.

perhaps because they simply sucked at it?

The photo doesn't suggest getting a silly laugh out of getting another tipsy… the photo is a seriously creepy torture porn movie ad.

If banning it helps put an end to all the f’ing non-stop commercials for the sites, then yeah and thanks!

Its going to take until 2017 to “phase out” the orca show? Did the orca union have some sort of binding contract Sea world had to honor or were they just hoping that in two years the shit storm would pass them by?

So his failed leadership simply lands him into another University job as research coordinator? Yeah, that school has issues.

50 Shades of Blue?

Its kind of like some (not all obviously) kids that win school science fairs based off the work of the parents. The dad seemed to have everything pre-programmed for this toddler.