nausea inducing

Since a high percentage of the Southern State GOP’s seem to be against sexual education as they think it only promotes promiscuity…so you probably aren’t far off.

What food to you kid yourself into believing isn't somewhat contaminated?

Ah yes, the “accidental meat”.

Vegetarians don’t escape the human handling and bug residue factor. You only miss out on the weasel rectum….the tastiest part.

Food contamination is hardly limited to hotdogs. If it was handled by people in prepping, cooking, packaging or even cleaning the machines,there will be something extra in their for you at some level. Even if you somehow avoid the human factor, bugs find a way.

Dang, I didn't realize this was still something that was open. I was under the impression that it was already banned worldwide. Guess I shouldn't be surprised, but thats just sad.

“I can’t wait to see who she nominates for the Supreme Court!”

Just given the events in Texas with PP, definitely.

This goes well beyond simply wasting “time”. Oh how I wish these GOP assholes could be personally sued for their (what I consider criminal) actions

No. There are hundreds of outposts all over the world. The Sec of State does not get involved in day to day crap as was previously just mentioned. The Sec would certainly be involved in overall security issues, but not for each individual station.

This past weekend I watched the BBC 2015 live version just aired and felt the same. Though the cast did a great job, it just didn’t match the intensity of the voices in the film.

I don't think Jezebel is any more cozy with Ryan, just simply amused at how utterly absurd the GOP have become.

“...his unrelenting strength and faith in God will pull him through.”

First she has declare her religious freedoms were being violated

Horrible woman proves it wasn’t just a fluke

I actually feel worse about the world right now….but mostly because its sad to learn these types of f-ing lawyers (that would even accept a case like this) exist outside of the US also.

But it is kinda funny from afar. They (the GOP) created this breed of nuts within its own party and now have no ability to control them. Would be able to laugh hard but then realize that these same dipshits are helping to run the country.

Actually, you seem to be the one with the hysteria. Why the need for the separate form? If you are unable to live with the same form as a same sex married couple, perhaps its you who shouldn’t bother getting married. There is no need to suck up to “traditional” BS, thats what their church is for. The county is simple

Its how ugly her heart is that is only of concern.

come on. There is huge energy consumption in manufacturing and distribution with Coke - so there is a direct tie vs your Exxon comparison. But your point is understood (perhaps) in that it would be nice to see the big energy companies also on board.