nausea inducing

But one helps with the other….so it works out the same.

Since most of the Quantico candidates seem both completely unrealistic and completely unlikable, it does make it hard to “root” for anyone. I gave up on almost all the new shows after their first premieres. I did try and give Quantico a shot with the second, but that has passed.

Its Texas, so you can’t rule out number one either.

understood…but you focus could be easily narrowed in these cases.

The brain dead religious politicos have whipped themselves into a frenzy pretending the Planned Parenthood is simply pure evil. When fighting pure evil…following the law just isn’t necessary.

White and British?

White and British?

Agreed. “Ample” is just wasteful spending. Is there nobody left to vote for? Time for all the politicians to come out of the closet and air their dirty laundry.

this is my favorite so far

Good likeness… crayon in some safety yellow along the top and it would be “golden”

Chicken Little

Considering they were paying the “household staff” $100,000/year, calling them “stingy” doesn’t really jive in that context?

Yet another proof posting. Its the gun nutters that live in fear. Those seeking greater control of the guns and or removal have no such paranoia.

So yes, all gun nutters are slow. Thanks for the many confirmations. Enjoy the rest of your day fearing your pistol will be pried away some day.

hence the initial comment that the few are keeping the many down… remember how all this discussion started? Are all gun natters this slow?

Yikes. Sounds like a rough watch but one to definitely look out for a nearby showing of.

You do realize that you still are defending the losing side? You’re simply arguing that the “small” percentage is bigger, but its still the minority opinion.

And 42% of Americans believe in creationism. Simply because they are stupid, doesn't make them correct.

Agreed. Why the necessity to slash funding over a single stupid opinion piece? How about writing a counterpoint? Seems an overly abusive use of power.

It would be nice if it worked both ways, but when one group is shelling out a lot of money for negative campaigning against those who mention gun control, it becomes very lopsided.

Not all guns owners are against stricter laws…only the small segment of nuts are.