nausea inducing

Keep offering to fix it? Sadly, in this country that is what will keep you from getting elected in the first place.

Certainly sturdier…but do you really want to wipe with a roll of construction paper?

Maybe Al really is that stupid as his accountants tell him thats how much he owes…while pocketing a pretty penny for themselves.

Thats complete BS. Unless you have access to his filings, it is seriously unlikely that he is paying anything close to “0ver 50%”. Loopholes were written for the rich by the rich (or soon to be rich with the sweet gigs handed to them after serving in Congress).

Perfect…. the chicken typed chicken-shit sums up the value of most Twitter tweets.

welcome aboard the Palin bus tour

Nice headline but….$90K is more than you’ve seen in your lifetime? Dang, you really should ask for a raise.

The only way out

“In response to pressure from parents and members of the state school board….” Utah has decided to discard all basic knowledge and allow all school subjects to be based upon popular “happy” thoughts.

If you want sugar, screw the marshmallows... QUISP is the way to go.

no fear, its an entertainment not news station. Perfect fit.

Please… only if Obama’s sinister plot against America is somehow tied in…which surely it is somehow.

and there will likely be many many next times

Or people just realized they all suck and none are worthy of a vote. Much like they can’t even find a Speaker of the House. Losers.

The owner is a complete ass. Unfortunately for the fans, changing the name won't help that situation.

As a Washington Team-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named football fan, i say change it. Just pick a better name than the Washington Wizards….god thats awful.

If only it was a joke I could agree…mostly the hypocrisy just pisses me off.

American politics, BOUGHT to you by the makers of….

Perhaps 3 days in jail will help the judge contemplate her actions?

One must assume you’ve been locked in a basement for quite some time … no worries, I’ve contacted the authorities and help is on the way.